jamie erdman
[email protected]
I wanted to let you know your you tube video made an impact on me. i have a beautiful little girl named alyssa who has taught me so many things. I watch her teach everyone around about love and hard earned capabilities. Your little girl reminds me so much of Alyssa. Thank You for sharing your families story. 6/15/13
Sito watched every little piece of Maddie and her parent’s lives. I cry, I laugh, I wonder, I miss her and cant wait to hold her and smooch. She works so hard on everything she sets her mind to, just like her mommy did. Great Job Jamie, I am so proud of you. Wonder what Maddie will amaze us with tomorrow. Sweet Dreams Little One. Sat May 15, 2010 12:56 AM
We love you Maddie and cant wait to play this summer. Love Your cousins and future BFF’s, Anna and Emma. PS our parents think you are pretty wonderful too! Monday May 17, 2010 3:15 PM
Hey Maddie,
You look like you are keeping your mom and dad very busy. Addison can’t wait to play with you again and push you in the stroller. We may have to use a bigger one this time. Love ya! Kim and Addie Monday May 17 2010 4:07 PM
Maddie- Just wanted to let you know I think about you and your mommy and daddy on a daily basis! I am so proud of all that you have already accomplished in your few months here in the BIG BIG world. Keep up the good work! Don’t forget to slobber on mommy a little bit J Monday May 17, 2010 11:25 PM
Mindy Fink
Maddie- I love reading about all the things you are accomplishing everyday! Now tell your mommy to get you some Husker outfits. Tuesday May 18, 2010 9:17 PM
I heard today that you Maddie have been doing some pretty amazing feats at your young age. You are blessed that you have a super support team and everyone will be there for you. Problem is everyone wants to be first in line with you! Well little princess it grows late and Sito is ready for bed, but have no doubt I will figure this out in the morning U and I. I love you as high as the heavens. Good-night sweet dreams. Wednesday May 19 2010 1:14 AM
I had the privilege of baby sitting Maddie this afternoon via computer. How I look forward to our chats just her and I talking about her day. And when she answers with a coo, it is the voice of an Angel. And her smile is the smile of an Angel. Sweet Dreams Maddie. I love you. Wednesday May 19 2010 11:51 PM
Valerie Geiger - Cozad
Wow, what a beautiful and inspirational tribute to the life you share with your daughter. If every Mother (and Dad) could care as much as you do about their children, the world would be a much better place. Every child deserves to be loved this much, God knew just how He could trust with such a precious gift. Sunday May 23 2010 3:07 PM
I just finished looking through your ENTIRE webpage. What a beautiful tribute to your life as a family! Life is a journey and you and your husband portray it well. Your dad’s article was also amazing.
When we found out that Rachel (our 10 year old daughter) had scoliosis, many tears were shed (and I tended to blame myself). As a parent you want to truly put her life in your hands and take the disease away from her and take on yourself – but that is no what God planned.
We are lucky to be raising children in the 21st century. The technology and opportunities that are available for Maddie (and Rachel) are phenomenal!
We have taken on Rachel’s scoliosis, with plans to not only beat it, but hopefully be advocates for others going through it. Rachel is one of her doctor’s youngest scoliosis patients – girls are usually in their teens and done growing. We have yet to find some one her age with her curvature. We have chronicled every step, just like you (no webpage, though) and it has definitely helped us, especially Rachel.
We can become stronger and better people when given challenges such as these. You have a wonderful family, full of love and support – take advantage of it – and along with God’s blessings, you WILL continue to be stronger, better people.
Our love and prayers to the McClintics!
Monday May 24 2010 2:27 PM
Deb Walter
You are absolutely precious Maddie. Your Grandma told me about this site. Praying God’s rich blessings on you and your family. Tuesday May 25 2010 12:47 PM
Sue Otterstein
Scott, Jamie, and Maddie –
Josie shared your site with Eric and I. I love seeing the pics and your comments and feelings. Maddie is such a beautiful little girl! I’ll keep watching and reading. Can’t wait to see her 4th of July outfit! Tuesday May 25 2010 8:45 PM
Lauren Morrison
I love the blog Jamie! I look forward to reading more! Thursday May 27 2010 4:25 PM
Jamie after reading the page on disabilities, it made me realize that you were put on earth for so many reasons. You are the one that is giving hope to many parents and the lives of their children. They have put their trust in you. There hopes and dreams are real, along with their Faith. They have entrusted you with their precious children, to give them hope in sometimes not such a kind world. When you go to sleep at night, know that you made the right decision with their care. For they are all God’s special children. I love you. Tuesday June 1 2010 12:26 AM
Melinda Maloley Powers
What a beautiful family! You are so very blessed! Love to you! Melinda Maloley Powers, Cody, and Brady Wednesday June 2 2010 1:22 PM
Jamie Sue! I have always been proud of you, but I don’t think I have ever been more proud of you than I was after reading what you wrote in your letter to Maddox, dated June 2, 2010 under your “inspire” tab on this website.
Those words are powerful words written by a strong woman!...
Don’t ever again doubt your strength and your abilities to help not only Maddox, but everyone you know. I too am still learning. Today I learned that my wonderful daughter is even more wonderful that I could have imagined….
I love you.
Thursday June 3 2010 1:01 PM
Jamie – you are a super mom, super OT, just a super person – I love reading your blog and rooting for Maddie very day. As a therapist, kiddos scare the bejeezus out of me (what can I say, I do better with the old ladies), but reading your blog helps me remember just how much I can help little ones too – even just by my example of acceptance out in the community. You’re a strong lady, and no doubt have lots of challenges to face – but I have no doubt you, Scott and Maddie can overcome them all. She’s a gorgeous gift! Thanks so much for sharing! Friday June 4 2010 9:46 PM
Bonnie/Nurse – Midwife
Jamie, Scott, and Maddie; What a beautiful family. God has surely smiled as He watches over all of you. Every child is a blessing, and Maddie is so blessed to have such loving and capable parents. Saturday June 5 2010 2:42 PM
Marcie (Fink) Kostrunek
Jamie and Family
I just wanted to say WOW you are all an inspiration! Can’t wait o see all of your new updates and just how fast Maddie changes J Little girls are the best. Sunday June 6 2010 8:39 PM
Maddie your mommy made a promise to me today. We are going to have so much fun. Can’t wait! I love you. Saturday June 13 2010 8:12 PM
Dear Maddie, We watched videos of you tonight. You are adorable. And we love you so much. We are going to give you all our love and if there is any left we will give it you’re your Mom and Dad. We are getting very anxious to see you and we can’t wait until July. Sending all our love to you. Love Great Gido and Great Sito. Saturday June 12 2010 8:17 PM
Maddie, you are a beautiful young lady with very special parents. God bless you and your family as you grow and learn and experience the joys of life. Monday June 14 2010 5:36 PM
Hi there! This comment is coming all the way from Vancouver, Canada! I came across your blog and had to comment! Maddie is completely adorable! Your love for her is so evident from your writing and your pictures. Jamie you are living proof that special kids have special parents! Wednesday June 16 2010 12:58 PM
Dot Wall
First time on your site and it will not be the last. I will pass it on to my good friends with the National Down Syndrome Congress. They love all positive material and you are all wonderful writers. Maddox is so blessed to have such a circle of love! Tuesday June 22 2010 11:14 PM
Charlene Mattson VP National Down Syndrome Congress
Amazing site, amazing family, amazing first steps to a lifetime of cheer joy. Monday June 28, 2010 10:33 PM
Debbie Blanchard
I have thouroughly enjoyed your website. Maddox is absolutely adorable. I hve a grandson, Connor, who was born with DS. He is amazing and has taught us as much as we have taught him. He will be 6 in September. Sit back and enjoy the ride because you’re journey is just beginning. But believe me, it is worth every minute. Houma, LA Monday July 5 2010 2:13 PM
Great Aunt Jan
Dear Maddie,
I am getting so excited to see you and meet you that instead of working on my college project, I am catching up on all the latest pictures and movies from your website. You are just so precious and waiting until Wednesday to see you is too long so I’ll be driving to York on Sunday, so I don’t have to share you with everyone else that wants to meet and hold you on Wednesday. This will be our time. Be ready, because Great Aunt Jan loves kissing baby feet. I also bought you seven new books and of course I’ll have to read them all to you (and probably more than once). Also, be ready for lots of hugs, kisses, and of course talking because everyone that knows me knows I like to talk, too! I wont do any opera singing like your daddy because you would probably start to cry for me, too, but I do expect to be able to get some good baby talking in. We’ll have so much fun together. Is it Sunday yet?
Love Always,
Great Aunt Jan and of course all the Bendler men!
PS What a wonderful tribute and website Jamie. You and Scott are loved too- but I won’t be kissing your feet. Friday July 16 2010 9:40 PM
Hi Baby Girl…
I just wanted to let you know that your uncle Todd was thinking of you. I can’t wait to hold you and kiss you on the next time.
Love you…
Uncle Todd and Aunt Mel and Dawsyn
Monday August 23 2010 9:45 PM
Maddox is such a Ham! I think I’ve watched every movie of her… I laugh at them, she is just too cute! Monday October 11 2010 12:21 AM
We are friends of Dot and Gary Walls. We have a son with downs that is 24. Your daughter is beautiful and so is your web site. Thanks again for posting on Dots FB so I could read about your journey. I love meeting families with Special Children like my Matthew and your Maddie. She will bring you so much love and Joy threw the years. Again I love you web page and your daughter is beautiful!!!
Wednesday October 13 2010 11:55 AM
Give it up Michael Phelps, we have a new Olympic Gold Medal winner: Maddox McClintic, 2,029…. Monday October 25 2010 7:53 PM
Sheri Hladky
Hello from Nebraska. I heard about your web page from Mindy so I had to check it out and see what you’ve been up to. It is so wonderful. I will have to keep checking back now that I know about it. You have a beautiful family and are truly blessed! It is great to read about your family. Hopefully you can all make a trip back for our next class reunion, if not sooner. Saturday November 6 2010 11:54 PM
Wow, what a wonderful site, I can keep up with all that is going on at your house. Remember if you are near Merrill and need a babysitter,I've been approved by my children to do that ! I think Maddy picked the perfect parents.
Grandma Coppens
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2011 - 08:09 AM
Connie Swails (One of GMA Josie’s Lexington Friend)
I don’t know who is the most blessed - Scott and Jamie by the gift of Maddox, or Maddox by the gift of Scott and Jamie. It seems our greatest blessings are the ones WE don’t plan! Monday February 21, 2011 11:23 AM.
Jamie, I LOVE the site. What a beautiful thing you have done. I have very wet eyes reading the "new mommy" note. I do not know you at all, but you really hit the nail on the head. Wish I could've read that 2 years ago. I wish I could have articulated those words like you have. Thanks for sharing. FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2011 - 10:36 PM
I saw your video on Facebook today and was so completely blown away! Thank you, Maddox, for sharing your gambling problem with the world so that we can all work to make it a better place for you and my daughter, Gemma - and everyone out there who has that extraordinary third 21st chromosome!! You have an awesome momma :) xxoxxox SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 2012 - 12:46 AM
Wow! I am simply moved by all of this. I am a teacher and will be starting a SPED program soon. I live in Portland, Oregon. I don't know how - but I would LOVE to help you guys get word out, make the world aware... anything. Let me know what I can do. I don't know how to email you privately but anything I can do, I will. I am posting this on my Facebook too. I will share and share and share. But really, if I can help... SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 2012 - 12:58 PM
I saw your video last night on Facebook- and I cried with the biggest smile on my face all the way through. Sixteen years ago our daughter Wendy was born with Down Syndrome, and what I can tell you- What I can PROMISE you is that your beautiful daughter will have everything she dreams of, and more. She will walk, run, and swim, she will go to yoga class, art class, dance class, and she will go to a typical high school with her peers, where she will be in the chorus, and be in the high school musical. She will run up the bill on her own cell phone. She will spend too much time on Facebook and watching music videos on YouTube. She will tell you she has nothing to wear with a closet full of clothes, and she will shop at the mall like there is not tomorrow. And you will enjoy every instant of all of it!
All the best,
Joe Romano (Find me on Facebook if you want to get in touch!) SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 2012 - 04:17 PM
I just want to Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your video. I have a son Charlie who will be 6 on January 16 and he has Down Syndrome. Thank you for doing this. I would also love to know how in the world you got her to stay there that long. Charlie would have ditched me after about 2 minutes. SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 2012 - 07:41 PM
I'm a 55 year old grandfather - today I saw your youtube video and it brought tears to my eyes. Tears for all the times in my life I've not been accepting, tears for the times when I've been cruel to others, tears for what I have missed a s a result and ... tears of joy for your beautiful child and the message she brings.
Thank you and please give Maddox a kiss for me and tell her I'm in her corner.
Sending your family my best ...
Peace be with you always ...
Tim SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 2012 - 07:57 PM
I love this video. Maddox is such a happy girl =). We went through the same thing almost two years ago as well. We gave birth to our fourth little girl Jan 30 2010 and almost lost her during the delivery. Everything you described happened to us as well. They took her right away and I didn't see her for hours and we were sent home with a baby who may or may not have brain injury due to labor/delivery. She had a heart murmur and that's all we knew.. She had open heart at 6 weeks old ro repair those and yet she still wasn't thriving? We just found out in November that she has a deletion in her chromosome 26. Her OMIM is 57. We grieve for the "normal" child we thought she would become but when i really sit down and watch her she is normal just a little behind and right now that's ok. We have therapies at our home four times a week and already making plans for school time. I often wonder will she fall in love, get married and be a mommy someday if she wants to? The un-known is what gets me everyday. But we prevail. Natalie will be two on the 30th. She signs but doesn't walk yet. I to wonder what goes through peoples minds when they see her. She is getting bigger so it's starting to become evident that she has "something". When I say she has a chromosome or neurological (she has BPT another rare diagnoses) disorder most people have the privilage to not know what that is. I am very vocal about her disorders and will tell anyone and everyone who ask what she has. I want to let you know that your video is inspiring to moms and dads who go through what you went through. Especially for us parents who had no idea there was an issue. I will follow Maddox and see change the world one family at a time =). I don't blog yet but I have a fb page if you wanted to see Natalie. She smiled when I showed her Maddox's video. Oh and we're originally from MI too. I graduated from a school right next to Ann Arbor. Take care McClintic Family. Lots of love, Brooke Arabo SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 2012 - 11:39 PM
I have so much that I would like to say to your family, but I just cant seem to find the right words (or without crying my eyes out) I can not get enough of your little girl! She is one of the most amazing people I have ever encountered in my 21 years of life. I wish I could have the enormous impact on your daughter just as that of the enormous impact she has had on my heart and soul. Please keep her wonderful day to day blogs coming. I love to read them and see the wonderful family you have do wonderful things! Let her know that I support her in everything and anything she wants to do and believe in her 110% Bless you and your amazing family and please, give her a big hug for me! PS- If your ever in Sioux Falls, SD I would love to meet your family. You have truly touched my heart.
Acacia :) MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 - 03:08 AM
Happy Birthday Maddox! We are the Nesbitt family (Bill, Cris Justine, Eric, William, Liam, And MADDIE!). Our Maddie is 4 years old and was lucky enough to be blessed with Downright Sillyness as well. We saw your video via our DS Support Group and posted it to our facebook. This was only 8 hours ago and overnight, 4 people have shared and many people have commented on how they loved seeing you! Maddie is very popular in our community. In fact, if she were old enough and could run for mayor, she would probably win! She brings so much love and joy to friends and strangers as well. Thank you for sharing your story. It is so nice to know that their are other families just like us...BLESSED! If you are on facebook, please friend us!! Cris Flemming Nesbitt. MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 - 06:41 AM
a friend posted the video you & Maddox made on her facebook page. I just wanted to tell you I loved it, and your darling daughter made me smile -- her joyful energy is contagious!
All the best to Maddie and your family in the future! MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 - 09:38 PM
Maddox, you are a gorgeous little girl who has the world at your feet just waiting for you to explore and by the sounds of it your family are absolutely wonderful. Ignore those that doubt your abilities, because there are many many more that believe in you. My almost three year old watched your video and said "that my new friend Maddie, she so cute!" So big hugs from Olivia in Australia, she believes in you! TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 06:53 AM
You are such a beautiful girl Maddox! I can already tell you will do great things in this world. God bless you and your family! TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 04:17 PM
WOW- an amazingly BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER- and FAMILY!! I cannot imagine the heartache you were first surprised with- but EVERY CHILD IS A BLESSING and GIFT from GOD, and are so precious and DESERVE all the good in life. God has given you an ANGEL- to learn from. to teach- and she is here to teach those that don't understand her DS. With an AWESOME FAMILY like you Maddox will go far. My husband and I both saw this and both sat here and cried, and he is a musician and he said I WANT TO DO A BENEFIT FOR HEM so that she can have EVERYTHING SHE HAS EVER WANTED!!!! Let's get a College Fund started for her- whatever we have to do. You have touched our lives- and we would love to touch your back, where do you all live? Wondering if it is somewhere we could do a benefit. We are raising our 3 year old granddaughter- and it's amazing how mch these little lives CAN CHANGE BIG LIVES........ God Bless you al- we will be chekcing in on you - Kari and David McConnell TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 05:57 PM
I just watched your video on cafemom and your story and message is very touching! Happy Belated Birthday to Maddie!! She is a beautiful little girl and may life give her everything and anything that she could possibly ever want from it. Her story brought me to tears as I am sure it did many people! I'm rooting for you baby girl!! May you all lead blessed lives! :) TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 06:10 PM
Hi, I have a 21 year old daughter with Down Syndrome and when I saw your You Tube video, I fell in love with Maddox. She is a total doll and total joy. I remember everything that I was told with Bethany and know that God truly is the one that took care of her. God Bless You all! TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 06:24 PM
I saw your amazing beautiful video of your mommy and you and it made me cry! i support you 100% from Oregon, your beautiful and your family loves you so very much! keep going! TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 08:12 PM
I saw your video on Facebook and think you both have won the lottery. Scott and Jamie clearly have an incredible daughter and Maddox has wonderful parents. Thank you for warming my heart. I hope my two-year old daughter has a chance to play with you some day. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 08:32 PM
As others have before me, I would like to say thank you for your video and website. I am the mother of two beautiful children that have a genetic degenerative muscle disorder that causes them to have weak muscles and therefore they walk different than other kids. As I was reading through blog, I could not believe that there was someone else out there that has been experiencing the same emotions that I have! You have no idea how guilty I have felt sometimes as I tried to come to terms with the 'why me - why my kids' of it all. And the resentment for and tears that I cried (and still do) when people talk about how blessed they are to have healthy children. I feel my husband and I are Blessed in so many ways! Abi's main goal in life is (in her words) to prove to the world that kids with disabilities can do everything other kids do'. Keep up the positive outlook! Maddox is an inspiration to us all. I can't wait to show your website to my daughter!
TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 08:36 PM
[email protected]
My cousin posted your video about Maddox's "gambling problem" on my wall on facebook. I cried watching it the first time, tears again the second time and posted it myself again on my wall on facebook and have had many comments and likes all within the first hour of posting it. I also posted it to our blog (I hope that is alright - I figured it was since it is a Ds awareness video, and an awesome one too!!!) just wanted to say hi and thank you for the wonderful video you made for your daughter. Our little Whitney just turned 3 on August 25th. We live in Indianapolis. Your hopes and dreams for Maddox are the same as ours for Whitney!!! ~Laura (mom to Anne and Whitney) TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 09:16 PM
I am deeply moved and touched by your angel child, and your devotion to her. I was brought to tears watching your video I found on Facebook.
Thank you for reminding people that there is perfection in imperfection. Your daughter is perfect and magical. Thank you for showing the world that love can conquer all. Thank you for sharing Maddie and her beautiful soul with all of us.
You are blessed forever and Maddie is blessed to have you for parents. Your kind and quality of love is what makes this world a better place to live in. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 09:25 PM
I found your site by accident tonight. You are a fabulous Mother and your little Maddox is beautiful. I am a retired special education teacher. I wish your entire family good health and happiness now and forever.
South Bend, Indiana WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:32 AM
Maddox, with the wonderful parents you have and the spirit they are letting you show to the rest of us, I think you will have a WONDERFUL love filled life, with friends who admire you, teachers who will nourish you with education and people who will look at you and say....you bet your bippie she's terrific. Happy 2nd birthday, and many more to come. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:36 AM
Wow. I have to say your video was pure truth. Your words hit me so hard, my tears are falling. I'm a 29 year old dad of two. My daughter is about to turn 7 on Feb 9th. Her name is kaylee Alexis. She has downs. Everything that the doctors told you, happened to me as well. They said she is 100% normal. Then when she was born, the doctor seen her eyes and he panics. He said my daughter is special. I told him duh!!!! Then he starts to tell me how life for her will be different than how I grew up. I didn't believe a word he said. I was really upset he was looking down on my kaylee. Deep inside me I cry all the time for her and how I know how the real world is going to treat her and how mean people are. I want to be there to protect her 24/7 but I know I can't. I put on my hero face for her and treat her no different than anyone. She is my biggest fan as I am hers. Your video has really opened up my heart. It makes my cry but it will make me a stronger father.
Thank you so much.
David Cunningham WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:42 AM
What a beautiful website that will forever be a very nice memory of how special you are Maddie and a wonderful little girl that I am sure will bring much inspiration to all who learn of your story.
You remind all of us just how special each and every child is...Thank you and I truly wish you many blessings and much happiness in your life. Love and light to you always Maddie. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:46 AM
I just came across your video...absolutely beautiful...the video and that little girl of yours. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:59 AM
WOW, what an amazing site...Bought me to tears! Love and prayers to you all...Maddox you are very beautiful!!! God Bless you and Keep you all!!
Amy Evans and Family WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 01:12 AM
Dear Sweet Maddox,
You're Facebook official now and I'm writing you from Arkansas! It's not as backwoods as some think! After seeing the video your Mom made I am convinced God is leading you to do great things. Your Mom's message was so powerful, inspiring and loving that I watched it 4 times and cried every time. Not because it made me sad, because you made me stronger and you opened up my eyes and heart. One day you will realize just how lucky you are to have her as your personal cheerleader! Keep getting stronger, sweet girl and prove that you are PERFECT just the way you are. I believe it and shared your story with all of my friends...and some shared you too! I'm going to keep watching you WIN on here sweet girl and can't wait to hear how you proved them wrong...again!
xoxo WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 02:10 AM
I really am inspired by your story. I have met a few down syndrome people and I wonder if their quality of life is better than ours. They don't seem to get weighed down by life's stressors. They just live in the moment and enjoy life. I also was moved to tears during your you-tube video. Maddox is adorable and lovely. I would love to meet your inspiring family sometime. God Bless you all. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 03:21 AM
I watched your video on facebook today Maddox and you truly are a gambler. Keep up the fight and know that you are an amazing, beautiful, precious girl. Whatever you want to accomplish in life you will. Keep up the good work! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 10:18 AM
Dear Maddox and Maddox's Mommy,
We're standing way up on our tippy toes cheering for you, Maddox. You are a gift, a blessing. Please know that you have much to hope for in this life. Noelle's daughter, Cate, is now almost 15. She has Down syndrome, too. She has changed many lives. She goes to a typical high school, was named to the Homecoming Court in 9th grade, and has a boyfriend. Life is good. So wonderful to meet you. And let's keep in touch!!
Angela & Noelle
Just Cate Coauthors
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 10:32 AM
Thank you for openly sharing your heart and journey. My soul deeply connects with your story and feelings and process. I have an 18 month old beautiful son with Down syndrome and he is a gambler too! We are hoping for him and rooting for him and deeply loving him. My God bless you little Maddox for you are beautifully and wonderfully made. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 10:40 AM
HI, I think Maddie is absolutely beautiful! She looks a lot like my daughter who is 6 now. I haven't had the chance to read you're entire website but looking forward to. I live in Michigan as well. I would love to make a website like this about my daughter. Can you give me any pointers on how to start? WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 11:41 AM
Hello - my name is Meredith Baumann and I have a daughter who is 30 years old. Erin happens to have Down Syndrome as well. I know you know - but good things do happen when life slips you a curve ball. I recognized myself in everything you said about the early days and weeks of your daughter's life. It took me a while to not jump ahead to what could the future hold to live in the days given us and to enjoy them. Erin attended school with her peers and has many friends both from her school days and those she has met since. She works at a Hardee's restaurant every day. She counts as her friends the women's basketball team at the University of North Dakota and has friends from all of the University sports teams. Erin is very involved in Special Olympics and this year is the female athlete of the year for North Dakota. Pride doesn't even measure our feelings for our daughter. Erin spoke to over 3000 area youth and young adults in March on the topic of Spread the Word to End the Word which is the campaign Special Olympics is involved in the stop the use of the R - Word (retard). As I looked at your celebration of two year old birthday, I know you will be a strong advocate for Maddox now and always. Please count me in as her advocate also. God bless you and all of your family as you celebrate this year and all the years to come! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 11:45 AM
This is Joan again. I forgot to mention how to contact me if you would like to give me tips on the website. Perhaps we can exchange stories and help each other out. My daughter has had to fight a lot harder than most children. She is just now learning to walk. We celebrate every milestone and she is always motivated with a smile.
My email address is prizm99[at]gmail.com WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 11:47 AM
A friend shared your youtube video on Facebook and I watched it and smiled and cried and had to check out your blog. On November 6, 2009 I was pregnant with my 3rd child and I sat in a chair in my living room and read the report that informed me my oldest child, my 4 year old son had Autism. I was in shock and afraid and in denial. I never wanted to be the parent of a child with special needs. My youngest daughter Kilia was born November 8, 2009. Eight minutes after she arrived they told me she most likely had trisomy 21 and whisked her off to Special Care. She weighed 4lbs and was born with no airway on the left side of her nose. She aspirated and would stop breathing. They told me she would most likely not be home until after Christmas and she would be tube fed. She came home 12 days later : ) I pumped for 18 months and only had to thicken the breast milk for 10 months. She has had 8 surgeries and will have many more. She can sign, she says a few words, she pulls herself to standing, she takes steps while holding onto the couch, she crawls in and out of the toy box unassisted, she is amazing : ) The day she was born I sat with a nurse and went over the statistics with her. 1 in 110 children have Autism. 1 in 733 births are a baby with Trisomy 2. 1 in 6,000 live births are a baby with Choanal atresia. She told me we had won the lottery : ) And I couldn't agree more : ) Just a couple months ago we found out my middle daughter has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I am the mother of 3 kids, 3 kids with special needs and I thank the Lord for the blessing of being their mom every day! Thank you for your video and your blog and your willingness to share your heart with the world. God bless you and your beautiful family! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:21 PM
Hello Maddie you have a family of fans here on Vancouver Island. My baby was supposed to have DS according to my scans and screen's and I was ready to welcome her into the world for the loving teacher that she would be. I think that extra chromosome is there for a reason... but when my baby was born there was no sign of what the doctors said there would be, and her tests proved that there was no extra chromosome for her. She did teach me so much about DS. Maddie, you are an amazing little girl who has a very wonderful mommy. Thank you for your video, it brought happy tears to my eyes, and my little girl now 19 months loves talking to you when we watch it and share it with friends. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 01:06 PM
Hi Maddox and family!
I love your video, your photos and your journey! I think you really do have a wonderful gift for the world and for your family. It looks like you're working very hard and deserve the best life has to offer.
My mommy was born differently-abled too. Her condition, Servelle-Martorell Syndrome, is a vascular condition that's caused her a lot of trouble in her life but she's pushed through. People wondered if she'd ever find love and she did. So she says she believes your wishes and dreams will come true too. She has worked hard to find her place in this world and gain acceptance also.
People fear what they do not know. You've got the right idea, education is important to helping people understand. Keep up the good work :)
Madeline (age 3) from the Essary Bunch WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 01:37 PM
Your baby is so beautiful. I saw the article about her online and about your video on you tube---Absolutely precious. Always remember she is a gift from God and you were chosen for all of the wonderful love you could give her and she will give others. Thank him every day for loving you so much to know you will take wonderful care of his special blessing. You will have other children and they will be the light of joy to show others how special Maddie is and how wonderful of a job you guys do raising them. Stay prayerful and continue to spread love as we all belong to him and he will take care of you. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 01:45 PM
Dear Maddie,
my name is Joanne from Quebec city and I want to thank you mother and your father for sharing your coming into this world. If I would be closer, I would love to have you spend much time with my little girls so you could teach them that "difference is okay and can be much better". You would be a great influence for them. I have put your video on our facebook page "les accompagnantes". Take good care of those smiley eyes! K&H. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 01:56 PM
All I can say is wow! Amazing would be a wonderful word to use to describe your precious little girl and the odds that she has beat! God Bless you all~ She definitely has a "gambling" problem~ LOL She is beautiful! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 03:48 PM
This story touched my heart and soul. Maddox is a beautiful little girl. To answer your question on the one page , when I look at Maddox, I see nothing but a little normal human being. I had a little sister that was born with Downs Syndrome. She was perfect in every way.. We lost her in 2002 when she passed away from Leukemia. She was only 10 years old. Individuals with Downs Syndrome are the most loving, caring , happy, smart and incredible people I have ever met. Don't ever, ever count them out! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 06:36 PM
Scottt, Jaime and Maddox. Loved your Youtube presentation. We have a son, Casey, a DownSyndrome young man of 31. We had dreams for Casey also, that he would be self sufficient enough to live alone (he has been in his own house for 11 years), that he would work (assistant custodian at Holy Cross Catholic grade school), he would be an athlete (Special Olympics multi sports) be active in our parish (mass server, usher), he emails from his computer center, rides the local bus system to work, and has a network of friends that love to "pick on him" about his favorite sports teams, etc. Casey has two older sisters, an older brother and two pushy parents that expected all from him that he was capable of. He is happier more of the time than anyone else in the family. We wonder who is really on the 'wrong side of the fence", Casey or the rest of the family. We have had plenty of opportunities to share our experience with Casey and take advantage of every opportunity! God chooses only the most special parents to givve these precious gifts to! God Bless you all! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 08:54 PM
Dear McClintic Family,
I saw the "gambling problem" video today on Facebook; it's amazing. Maddox is so adorable! I want you to know that I am a pediatric occupational therapist and I BELIEVE IN HER! I am amazed everyday at the accomplishments of all "my" kids (and their families) that I have been privileged to work with over the years! I know how hard Maddox works for the "little" things and how big those little things are! I wish you all the best and will be looking forward to following her progress through your blog. Thank you for sharing your life and your love! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 10:04 PM
I love your blog and your you tube video. Maddox, you are a beautiful little girl, and are an inspiration to many. I loved your video. I love the story about the lab losing your bloodwork. There must be a Divine Plan for your life. My daughter Emily is also chromosomily enhanced. She is four. She is also an inspiration to many in her life. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 11:41 PM
Maddie, you and your family are an inspiration in a world sorely in need of it. I read about you, watched you, laughed and cried. You my dear child are a gift to your family and I know you will be a gift to those who will have the privialge to be in your world.
Good luck little lady. You are so gentle as you are tough... THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 12:26 AM
Hello Maddie!
I have just watched you and your beautiful Mummy's Utube video, with tears streaming down my face. I am a mum to 4 incredible boys and my youngest, Reuben, who is 9 months, has Downs. He is absolutely gorgeous and a true gift to our lives! I started reading through your website tonight and can so relate to your Mum's feelings and emotions.
With Reuben, I had a threatened miscarriage at10 1/2 weeks and at the 19 week scan, the doctor found our baby had lots of things wrong - clenched fists, cysts on the brain, fluid around and holes in his heart, just to name a few. We were told he probably had Trisomy 18 or Edward's Syndrome, where bubs do not survive long outside the womb. We went home devastated and found our son a name that night.
About 10 days later (after an amnio), we were told Reuben did not have Trisomy 18 but Trisomy 21. So we went from being relieved that he was not going to die at birth or shortly after, to shock that this would "happen to us" and fears of a very uncertain and unknown future. Then came all the emotions, questions, tears, and heartache that your mum went through - your most amazing, brave mum (and dad!).
Reuben was born a month early, weighing 6 pounds 1 once. He was jaundiced for ages so we were in and out of hospital for the first 2 weeks (it turned out Reuben does not have a tyroid gland). I am pumping milk for him as he could not breast feed.
But (and this is what made me cry in your video) all that the doctors said would happen, DID NOT HAPPEN (and boy were we praying before he arrived!!)...the cysts went by 26 weeks, Reuben's hands were perfect when he was born (it was the first thing I checked!), and all but 1 of the 4 holes in his heart have closed...he is an incredibly brave little overcommer, just like you beautiful Maddie!!
While my journey has been the toughest and most emotional I have ever had to walk, I would not change a moment. I love our perfect little boy with such a fierce, strong love. We totally adore him!
Thankyou so much for sharing your story with us all. I will be praying for and thinking of you all often and hope to read more on your site. Much love
Elisa xoxox THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 09:28 AM
Hi from NJ,
I would just like to say that you are too cute! I have a daughter with Downs Syndrome who is 25 years old. It is a privilegde to know and love her, as I am sure it is also with you. I have a poem for you and you family that I came across a few years ago and I hope you will all enjoy it.
God bless you and your family ,
The Creed of Babies with Down Syndrome
My face may be different
But my feelings the same
I laugh and I cry
And I take pride in my gains
I was sent here among you
To teach you to love
As God in the heavens
Looks down from above
To Him I'm no different
His love knows no bounds
It's those here among you
In cities and towns
That judge me by standards
That man has imparted
But this family I've chosen
Will help me get started
For I'm one of the children
So special and few
That came here to learn
The same lessons as you
That love is acceptance
It must come from the heart
We all have the same purpose
Though not the same start
The Lord gave me life
To live and embrace
And I'll do it as you do
But at my own pace
THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 10:54 AM
Four weeks ago, my life, like yours changed forever. My husband and I tried for two years to get pregnant and last April we finally saw that thin pink line. Because of our infertility, we had almost a dozen ultrasounds, none of which signaled a problem. That, along with my age of 29, lead us not to do a quad screen.
Our little Miss Lila was breech so we scheduled a c section for December 12th. Her room was ready, my parents were in town, everything was perfect.
The c section went great and when I saw Lila for the first time, I only thought she doesn't look like what I imagined, downs never entered my mind. But the nurses could tell something, I could feel it. We all celebrated, but 3 hours later my world came to a stop. They said she showed some soft signs and wanted to test to be sure. I felt everyone staring at me, there were almost a dozen people in the room. I zoned in and out because of the morphine. I couldn't concentrate on what they were telling me. We would know for sure in 24 hours. That time is a blur. People stopped taking pictures, some cried, my first words to my husband... " she is still ours, we will love her anyway," but inside I was numb.
When the results came back positive, I asked everyone to leave the room, I couldn't handle their grief on top of my own, the weight was crushing. My husband and I held each other and didn't say anything for an hour, trying to wrap our heads around the news.
For two days, I didn't shed a tear. I think I felt like, if I did, it would mean I wasn't grateful for my little girl. As we told the rest of our family and friends, many offered comforting words of advice and support, but my eyes stayed dry. Until our last night in the hospital, when the nurses encouraged me to walk around the hallways of the hospital to help release some the air trapped in my stomach from the surgery. All of a sudden, I saw people pouring in and out of these other rooms with congratulations balloons and stuffed animals. I lost it. My room was filled with gifts and family too, but each was tiptoeing around Lila's diagnosis, not sure what to say, often with sad smiles of an uncertain future. These other visitors were jubilant, with bright but exhausted smiles, full of plans and goals. I felt like they had stolen my joy. A nurse we met at a prenatal class rushed up to ask if I was in pain. In fact, my heart was in so much pain I couldn't speak. All I could manage to say was, "jealous." I wanted that excitement back from the hour before her birth, from the previous 9 months. I wanted to start over, to have it all go as I planned, I wanted life to be fair. My mind told me that I was being punished for all of my previous successes when the road might have been too easy. I will feel guilty for these feelings probably for the rest of my life.
That night a friend sent the poem "welcome to holland." it told of an unexpected trip, when your heart was and tour bags packed for another destination. It spoke of the grief for your perfect plans and the story already written in your mind. it was the first time I felt understood and not alone. I felt it was my permission slip to feel, to shed the numbness of the previous days, to accept the challenge ahead and to love my little girl that I spent years praying to meet. That night we sent an email to coworkers and posted on Facebook about Lila's downs. We told everyone not to tell us they were sorry, because we weren't.
I still wonder if she could sense the sadness that sometimes still grips me when we go to another doctor, hear news of a friends perfect new arrival, or get a glimpse of something she probably won't ever do. And then I remember the words a dear friend said to me in the hospital. She is not just your gift, she was sent here to teach us all. My little Lila, an example of faith and hope and love before she was even a few hours old. A blessing I pray for the patience to appreciate. My child. A gift most apparent when I can hear my husband talking to her from the other room, with so much pure connection that I fall more in love with him everyday. I know she will be The bond that will define our family.
Thank you for sharing your story so I would have the courage to put mine in words.
Latricia [email protected]
Chattanooga, Tennessee THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 11:32 AM
I was sent the link to your Youtube video from our CEO from Special Olympics Michigan. What a beautiful daughter that you have. I loved the video and your blog and webpage are wonderful. We are wondering if you are involved in our Young Athelte Program in Michigan. I would love to talk to you about this. Anne Rogers - [email protected] (734) 222 8283 THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 12:47 PM
A beautiful video that speaks to my heart! We have 2 autistic children and it is so hard to explain to others all that it entails. Thank you for sharing YOUR story and being such a great advocate for you daughter. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 01:18 PM
Thank you for posting all about your wonderful family - you are an inspiration to all. I have learned so much from your site. I work with students with Down Syndrome and they truly are an amazing group of people - you have helped me to appreciate them even more. Your daughter, by the way, is gorgeous. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 03:12 PM
Hi Maddox! I hope you had an amazing birhtday! You are a gorgeous young lady. My daughter Jordan is just like you in so many ways. I wish that we lived closer so that the two of you could be playmates.
Tell your mommy that she is doing an awesome job and that she is an inspiration to so many people in the world. (Just look at how fast your youtube video has spread)
Thank you for sharing your life with the world. You are beating the odds and making a huge differnce in the world. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 11:19 PM
I forgot to mention that if you ever need extra support, please feel free to contact me. I know there are some days where it feels like there is never enough. Jordan is 4 months younger than Maddox and we too are huge advocates and we understand the struggles... and all of the rewards that come from them. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 11:28 PM
Very Inspirational. Your family is so beautiful inside and out. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2012 - 02:58 PM
Dear Maddox, Jamie and Scott,
I saw your video and was inspired to smile and cry and cheer for you as I watched. Maddox you will go many places with your Mom and Dad's help. Thank you for blessing our lives and showing us who you are. Thank you to you, Jamie, for sharing your story - all of it.
Here is another inspiring story that I thought you might like to know about, if you don't already, have a look. http://www.newangela.com/
If you would like to know more about the nutrition that helped start the transformation for Angela please contact me through my website - www.radicalredesigns.ca. I would be honoured to share it with you and your beautiful family.
Keep on with your stories of challenge and victory. They will inspire many people for an eternity.
Love and Light, Jeanette FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2012 - 05:26 PM
A friend directed me to your site. I am adopting a precious little girl from an orphange in Eastern Europe that is as you put "Downright Silly" She is perfect in my eyes. I am going to bookmark your site so I can read more!
Megan www.myjourneyofhteheart.blogspot.com FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2012 - 07:14 PM
Hi Maddox, a friend told me about the video you made with your mommy and I just watched it. It is simply inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I will be doing my very small part to spread the message. Happy belated birthday and have a wonderful year! Wishing you and your family all the very best! SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 01:11 AM
Thirty eight years ago our daughter Lisa was born with DS and she has truly blessed our lives. Of course, we were devastated at first, but our depression turned into joy and pride when we saw beyond the label and began to appreciate what a wonderful little person she was. She continues to bring much happiness to everyone she meets, and although there have been many challenges along the way, we can say with complete honesty that we would not want to change anything about her. SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 10:13 AM
Great photos of your best and worst day. 10 years ago the best day and worst day of my husband and my lives happened. Our son was born 1 in 1,000 with undiagnosed spina bifida. Like you the 8 ultrasounds showed nothing nor the bloodwork. We also have photos of the happiness and then all the sadness. My friends have asked me why would I have such photos? I have no solid answer just that that was my life and the start of my sons why would I not want to capture the happy and the sad, I take photos of everything. Maddox is beutiful and I am betting she will go as far as her dreams can take her. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 09:22 PM
I just watched the video on facebook of little Maddox, I am a Mom of a 3 month old little boy with down syndrome:> Your experience in the hospital was very similar to ours in the fact that we found out after the fact (long and convoluted story I won't bore you with) that our little Lochlan had down syndrome. It knocked the wind out of me and because I work at a children's hospital myself made it that much more difficult. I think for the first 2 and a half months I had posted that fake smile and told everyone that i'm fine and everythings okay...heck the things I see parents go through at work makes my situation look easy. But it's not and know reality is setting in and I'm so glad I found your website cause I really needed to see someone else write down what I'm thinking in my head. Thank you so much for putting your life story out there:> Dawn[email protected] SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 05:05 PM
Love the site and the Youtube video! If you haven't you should join BloggyMoms Group, a wonderful group of moms! SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 06:27 PM
Hi Maddie! I loved watching your video on YouTube! You remind me so much of my little sister, Rachel! She had that same twinkle in her eye when she was 2 and we all loved it... she isn't 2 any more, she will be 30 this year! But she still has a twinkle and has so many joys in her life... She works with little children as a volunteer and she travels places... she has a great time. I know you will have as much fun as Rachel did growing up (she's still growing up - and she's still having fun!) Oh, I forgot to mention that she has something else in common with you - she also has that wacky packy Down's business... I agree - let's call it Downright Silly and move on... Cheers for you kiddo! And cheers for you Mom and Dad. The long journey is a joyful one and its great that you have so many friends and wonderful family riding along in the traincar with you.. Thanks for sharing Maddie with me, today! SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 08:31 PM
Hi McClintic family,
I am a sophomore in college and came across Maddie's youtube video. To say that I was touched is an understatement. From a very young age I have interacted with individuals with special needs because my aunt was born with brain damage causing her to have developmental delays. Because of this, I have always felt a special connection to those with special needs. Later on in my life I was a camp counselor for 40 special needs kids with down syndrome and autism. Seeing Maddoxes innocence and beauty in that video overwhelms me with joy. I know how hard it can be at time, but I have SEEN with my own eyes that kids like Maddie can live the most fulfilled lives; maybe even more fulfilled than a typical person (especially with a wonderful loving family like you have). I admire you guys, and I send all my love to you and Maddie.
From now, you can look forward to the future. The future is bright with wonderful memories yet to be had. I am so excited for your family and I wish you all the best.
Mike SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 10:35 PM
I came across your youtube video. I cried most of the way through. You and your beautiful daughter are an inspiration! Thank you! SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 11:24 PM
we love you maddox<3 you are a true beauty. scott, jamie, thank you for giving us all something to believe in~ hope for~ be thankful for~your love for your daughter is amazingggg!!
SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 03:51 AM
Nine years ago I found out that my daughter had Potter's syndrome. Unfortunately, she wasnt meant to live with us for very long and she died a few hours after her birth.....But she did change me forever and like you, I recall the trauma of hearing the fate and the diagnosis my precious perfect baby was given....I would love to invite you to visit our website too at www.stephanieazri.com . I wanted to say that although i tried really hard not too ;) I did cry when reading your story. As a clinical social worker working in special care nursery, I am so familiar with stories like your and it surely touched me....Feel free to drop me a line anytime....Also we run a facebook group under "prenatal diagnosis support" which you may want to join to support other mums who receive prenatal diagnoses. Well done on the site, movies and story. You are an inspiration xxx SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 06:27 AM
Hi McClintic family and Happy Birthday to Maddie. It is hard to believe our precious daughter is now about to be 28. Jordan has a full life. She does so many activities. Her murmur was hidden and treated with surgery at 3 years old. We were also told of many things that she would not be able to do. We did not do a video in 1986 because YouTube was not around. Maddie is in great company with a lot of wonderful people to share her journey with her.
Jordan is also amazing. She is a cheerleader, rides horses & enjoys special olympics. She dances, does power yoga, learned to play the piano and played a baritone for band. She swims and enjoys many, many other activities. She has been to lots of birthday parties and was a bridesmaid in her brother's and another friend's wedding. We pray for your family and encourage you to continue to share your message. Love, Lisa Hunt SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 04:39 PM
I am the uncle of a 17 month old boy named Cole Stewart. Cole has Down Syndrome. The out pouring of love and support for "The Wee Man" from friends, family, and complete strangers has been, well, hard to measure in words. I hope your daughter receives the same love and support. I hope together we change some perceptions. SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 06:46 PM
Maddie, you are an inspiration and a true beauty, inside and out. The world is a better place for having miracles like you in it. No matter what obstacles you face, please never give up on your dreams. I know you will continue to defy odds and succeed no matter what challenges you may face.
Wishing you a lifetime of health and blissful happiness,
Your Fan Meagan SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 08:29 PM
Hey Maddie,
Welcome to the world...I have that something extra as well...I have taught my family so much and I know you will do/and have already done the same. My mum posted your wonderful utube video on her facebook...because she knows how important it is!!!! and me too as my family protects my dignity every day i live (and have survived)....
I live in Utah and I so hope we can be pals some how...
xo Lottie and her family.... SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 09:49 PM
What a beautiful and inspiring family you are! Maddie you are one cute little girl!!! I'm majoring in early childhood education & special education at the University of Delaware and I shared your site with several professors and classmates. Everyone falls in love with you all immediately. You have touched my heart forever and your message is so powerful. Maddie I have no doubt all of your dreams will come true...especially with such incredible parents at your side. SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 11:43 PM
Miss Maddox you are truely an inspiration! You're a beautiful young lady and I would be honored to know you and call you a friend. I do believe you will change the world because your impact on me was tremendous. You will meet many uneducated individuals along the way and it won't always be easy. Just remember you have many who love you and admire you for the amazing young lady you are. Keep smiling! MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2012 - 08:44 AM
Hi Maddox,
You are just about the same age as my granddaughter Harper. Her Nana and I are lucky enough to live right next door to her, so we get a chance to see her almost every day. The one thing about Harper that I have had the good fortune to witness for myself is just how hard she is willing to work to accomplish things. And your mom made the same comment about you. Thank you both for sharing that little piece of your lives with the rest of us. MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2012 - 05:00 PM
Hi there,
I'm really not someone who posts on-line -- this is my first time -- but I read through some of your blog and wanted to honor your request for signing the "guest book." My little Sean-Sean (with DS) is 3 and we were just blessed with a second little guy in October, so I feel like we have traveled similar paths. We had a long long road to both pregnancies (infertility problems and all the rest), so are very grateful to have the family we have. Still, it took us a very long time to come to terms with Sean's diagnosis, esp. after all the miscarriages/other difficulties preceding his birth, and I wanted to comment on your "new mommy" article. It is a very personal, complicated journey, and I know I said and felt things that I wish I hadn't had to feel or to say as my husband and I were struggling with this new reality, but I think you put it well (much better than I could have managed) -- essentially everyone has to get there in their own time and way, but you will get there. I know exactly how long it took for Sean to smile because it seemed like forever (4 months), but he has hardly stopped smiling since. Sean is as delightful and beautiful and sweet and smart as Maddox must be -- signing and walking and talking more and more each day. I have no idea what his future holds and of course worry about whether we are doing enough or the right things, but so far he has been his own best advocate and charmed those who are working with him. We will just keep pushing forward and see where he takes us. I am grateful that other people are willing and able to be as proactive as you are about educating others and sharing their story so that the world may be a little more welcoming for everyone -- sometimes I think about doing more but then it may turn out that all I can manage in a given day is just the basics of caring for my two guys (and maybe a bit of time for my husband or myself if I'm really lucky)! So thanks to you and to Maddox for putting yourselves out there and best wishes for her and all of your futures,
Kelly from Oklahoma City MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2012 - 06:31 PM
Maddox & her loving, amazing family,
A friend of mine posted your youtube video on her Facebook. I smiled, I cried and I easily fell in love with you, gorgeous little girl. You are truly an inspiration to everyone and if only we could all be as vivacious, as dedicated and as "smart a cookie" as you. Everyone on this earth has a purpose - whether it is to teach a lesson, inspire a smile or to be something great - and you, little beauty, are one of the few that do all those things. You should be very proud of your mom & dad too because not only are they helping you grow up to be a superhero, they are preparing the world for the little girl who won't take no for an answer! Just to show you how far your story has gotten, I am all the way up in Canada! Someday you'll know exactly where that is and maybe even come visit your great neighbour to the North. Until then I wish you all the health, laughter and love in the world :)
Thanks for being inspirational, adorable, you
Breanne Buchanan
Ottawa, ON, Canada MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2012 - 07:09 PM
McClintic family,
Your website has become a daily place for my husband and I to turn when we need reminded that we can do this. I feel like you are our cheerleaders and advisor's on this mysterious journey towards parenting a baby with Down's. I'm so thankful for your honesty. It makes me feel that it's ok to have the feelings and emotions that are truly a rollercoaster, and you remind me that I am not the only rider on this rollercoaster. I so admire you! I aspire to be a mom like you, and to thank you everyday for what you have already done would never be enough. Keep up the good work. We need you out here!
MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2012 - 08:41 PM
Beautiful family. We're rooting for you Maddie! xxoo TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012 - 12:04 AM
Maddie, I was born different too. My arms look funny so I was callled a lot of names when I was a child. But I grew up to be a good person with a husband, an education, a job and a life. My mom was very much like your mom, and she told me the things your mom said on the cards in your video. Oftentimes, people would ask her why she bothered with me so much. My mom said I had a purpose: it was to teach others compassion. I had plenty of time to do that over the past seven years. You see, my mom got sick and she lost her ability to talk, walk, cook or do anything. She lost all her friends because she couldn't do anything. In the end, the only person there for her was my Dad and myself. Maybe your mom and dad worry about your future. They don't realize that in 40 years, you may be the only person there for them, like they are there for you now. Because I was so used to doing things differently, I was one of the few people who could stand to be there for my mom. Maddie, grow up and learn to be a strong person. Your family, your school and your friends will need you to be the best person you can be. Take care, and live well. TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012 - 09:55 AM
Dear Maddox and family...your incredibly inspirational video is circulating far and wide across Canada. Your message is powerful and very, very important for everyone to see! How can we ever thank you enough!
In addition to sharing your video with families, we want to use your video in schools and to inspire direct support professionals who work everyday to ensure that ALL people are fully included in our community.
I know many people who want to send your family a note...so, I will pass along your website information.
For me...I will keep your video very close and watch it often....I cannot thank you enough for sharing. TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012 - 12:56 PM
Thank you for sharing Maddie`s story!!
My favorite uncle has Down Syndrome (he lives in Brazil and is going to be 46 years-old next month). Uncle Márcio is a gift from God! Our family would`t be the same without him.
My husband and I always dreamed of adopting a child with Down. I can`t wait to finish medical school to enable our dream to come true.
Down Syndrome is definitely misunderstood...Mattie and Uncle Márcio remind us life is so much more! They teach us more than we could ever teach them. Thank you for beating the odds, Mattie! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2012 - 08:04 AM
Saw the video of you and Maddox yesterday on Facebook. Our little girl is three and has Down Syndrome. Been working hard on advocacy in our neck of the woods. So great to see others getting the message out. Emi amazes me every day and has taught me more than I can put into words. I identify with what you said about needing Maddox. Funny how you don`t know what you need until it is staring you in face.
Wanted to share a project I have been working on. I am trying to get Emi on the Ellen Degeneres Show. We have been working on this for about a year. I send regular emails and letters. We started a Facebook group and event for Emi. It all started because I had this idea that people did not think about children like Emi when they heard the term ``Down Syndrome``. I watched a lot of Ellen when Emi was small and nursing often. I had this idea we could reach so many people and share how wonderful life has been with Emi. I know people would be surprised to see what an incredible little girl she is.
Thank you for taking the time to educate and share. Maddox is beautiful and your video impactful.
Wishing you and your family the best,
Jennifer Mooradian WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2012 - 01:27 PM
My 2 year old, Cooper, says your Maddox is "cute" and his friend. He waved to her while he watched the video. Darling. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2012 - 04:12 PM
To Scott, Jamie, and Maddox:
I have spent the past 2 hours perusing your website. Someone shared it on our company's facebook page, and I promptly followed through on your family web page. I have cried, laughed, smiled, and shed tears again. Your story is so heartwarming, I have a special reason why I am touched. I work for a small company (www.adaptivemall.com) where we make sitters and accessories for children with special needs, and we sell a lot of other equipment also. Anytime I see peoples' stories, it certainly touches a part of my heart. It makes my job a little nicer every day to know that what we do helps others to enjoy life too.
Maddox, I "double down" on the hope your journey continues for a long, long time, and you grow into a beautiful young woman!!! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2012 - 09:37 PM
How delightful! My older sister's college roommate raised a Down's Syndrome daughter, Becky. Becky had a type of Down's called "mosaic Down's." Despite dire predictions, Becky grew up and went to Elmhurst College and became a teacher of young children (I think kindergarten; maybe preschool). Becky is also now married. Would you like me to ask my sister for Bonnie & Don Cowie's address? Last I knew they lived in Michigan. Becky's married name is Mrs. Joseph Mulholland, married in 1999. My name is Lisa Boyes, P.O. Box 511, Grinnell, IA 50112, phone (641)-236-6620. Keep the faith! Having parents w/a great + attitude definitely helped Becky! THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2012 - 06:14 PM
Lisa Boyes, yes I would like to get in touch! Do you have an email? THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2012 - 08:06 PM
A family member sent me your You Tube video on Facebook. It is very touching and all too true. My little guy turned two in September. He just watched the video with me, then waved and said "bye" to Maddox at the end. When they turn 18, we'll have to get them together!
Enjoy your lovely family! FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2012 - 09:20 PM
I loved your website!!! you really did an excellent job. My son is 13 months and just like Maddie, has beaten the odds too. I would love to talk to you, I am my son biggest advocate too. I believe the Lord put your video through my path so that somethig extraordinary could happen. I want to help stop the hurtful words and teach the world that Trisomy 21 does not mean that life is over, it means Life is just beginning for an angel...I do not care what doctors say, with faith and love, our children can prevail. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 2012 - 01:23 AM
Hi little Maddox and your wonderful family! I have watched your video multiple times over the last two days..and posted on my FB page too. I love it! What a happy face you have...you are a sweetie....for sure! Thank you for making me smile and warming my heart!! SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2012 - 12:02 AM
Thank you for sharing the beautiful story of Maddie. My brother, Larry, also defeated all odds against him - he lived a glorious life of 59 years, surrounded by love. He was a source of joy and inspiration. May you continue to flourish and inspire others! SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2012 - 05:47 PM
Keep your faith and the sky is the limit! My 41 year old sister, Jennifer, has Downs syndrome and was just visiting us from out of town. She road the bus by herself for 2 hours, played on her iPad, and texted her friends the whole way. I'm sure she met a few people too!! We LOVE her visits; she always makes us laugh! She graduated from high school, went to the prom, has a part time job, and volunteers with too many organizations to count! She has inspired all of us to be accepting of EVERONE'S differences.
We wish all the same for Maddox and BET she will be all that she can be!! SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2012 - 07:49 PM
Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter, your heart and soul! I saw your youtube video the other day and have watched a dozen times. I posted it on my facebook page and I think its gone viral! :) You captured so much in that video that it drew me to click on your family link. What a beautiful life and family you have made for yourself on the "path less traveled". Your blog was the first time I have read that poem. I liked that too, thank you! As a mother of a son with down syndrome I did find the "Welcome to Holland" inspirational. Since the day I read the poem 15 years ago its been my favorite and of course my favorite flower is tulips. And yes, you "bet" that going to Holland is on my bucket list. I wouldn't be the person I am today had I stewed over not going to Italy. I would have been in that perfect group of mothers that think they are the lucky ones. I was diagnosed at 16 weeks and I cried the rest of my pregnancy and asked God "why" why me? I did all the right things your supposed to do while your pregnant. I read the book what to expect while your expecting, was a good person why was I this unlucky? But, the moment Joseph was born and they put him on my stomach I started to cry and asked God why, why me how did I get so LUCKY? What did I do to deserve this most precious gift? Thank you God for trusting me and knowing that this would change my life in a indescribable way. My cup runnith over! TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2012 - 04:19 AM
Dear Maddox's Mom,
My daughter sent me your YouTube video...she knew it would touch me because I am a Mom and a pediatric physical therapist. The kids that really grab my heart are nonverbal, and many of them are unable to get around independently. What touches me is the spirit within; I see it in their eyes and in their determination.
Maddox is absolutely adorable; her spirit soars in the video! The written words and the presentation of the message are profound. But surprisingly, I could not take my eyes off of you, Mom. As a pediatric therapist, I do not work with a patient; I work with a family. I have been so deeply touched by many children and just as deeply touched by their parents.
In your eyes, I see deep conviction, determination, strength, passionate love. But what really grabbed me was an incredible sense of "serenity". I am not sure that is the right word (when is parenting ever described as "serene"), but it is the one that comes to mind. There is a calmness and acceptance. I know that some (many) days can be really hard and that the challenges can feel frustrating and unfair, so my words may not match what you feel. But there is no denying your spiritual strength.
Maddox is a very blessed child to have such a special Mom. Her spirit is buoyed by yours. Many of the special parents I work with shrug it off when I let them know that they are amazing. They are just doing what they are supposed to do. That's what we do as parents. The ones who amaze me the most are the ones with the gentle strength I see in you. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 - 09:40 AM
Hi Jamie
I tried reaching you through your YouTube video, so I thought I would try and reach you here as well. Maddox's story is absolutely amazing! I came across your video while doing research on a show I'm producing. I would love to talk more about it with you to see if you and Maddox would be interested in being involved. Thanks!
Jen [email protected] THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 - 03:21 PM
Just watched your video and it is absolutely brilliant. We have a 3 year old little angel called Ruby who has an older sister and younger brother. Ruby was born undiagnosed downers syndrome. She has and always will be loved like a princess just like your little girl. She has more friends than mummy and daddy put together and a very large family that love her to bits. We was worried at first how life would pan out, people said oh she'll bring you a lot of love and we thought yeah youre just saying that lol....but she really does. We love her to bits xxxxx Darren &Tara Bowers, Essex UK. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 - 04:27 PM
Hiya, sorry in our last message it reads downers syndrome, god we feel awful, I'm using an iPad and I think it corrected downes with downers. My wife has slapped me hard, apologies, I never would have said that. Loved the video, Darren & Tara Essex UK THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 - 04:33 PM
[email protected] & [email protected]
Darren & Tara in Essex UK THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 - 04:35 PM
I love your website Maddie.
I work with young people who were also born with Down Syndrome. They inspire me everyday. I know you will achieve many things.Love to you and your fabulous family Maddie xxxx SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 2012 - 02:06 PM
I love your website Maddie.
I work with young people who were also born with Down Syndrome. They inspire me everyday. I know you will achieve many things.Love to you and your fabulous family Maddie xxxx SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 2012 - 02:06 PM
Dear jamie & maddox, you have forever changed my life. You inspire me to be a better mommy and to appreciate my family. I wish you all the love & happiness now and forever!
Hilda : ) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2012 - 10:05 PM
I saw your video and had to find out more. About eight months ago we had or own little miracle. We had no idea that he would have down syndrome and I found out when I was taken upstairs to our room. I asked my husband how he was doing and he said he was fine but the doctor thinks he has down syndrome. What was terrible was she said one sentence and left. No comfort no information just left. I asked for information from a nurse, and I got a sheet that would scare a mother to death. It had all the worst information like heart defects and muscle control problems. The list went on and on. Once I got home I had to ask all the questions I could. I found out everything your video has and more. This is why it is so important we tell the world they are no different. I have two other kids who have so much in common with him. I just wanted to personally thank you. Everyone should get involved to make it a better place for all of our children. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 - 05:26 PM
Wow your story of your amazing little girl has touched me so much. It seems that there is no limit to what Maddie can achieve - you go girl!! Thank you for sharing your family stories - you are just amazing. Love to you all xxx
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2012 - 12:32 AM
Hi Maddie and family -
I found this blog throughespecialneeds' Facebook page. I am 21-years-old and I am the caretaker of the most inspirational person I have ever met. At the age of 11, this young man has been able to teach individuals what life is like, much like Maddie does. My little guy has CP (spastic quad). We go everywhere and do everything together (when the two of us aren't in school - he's in 4th grade, I'm in a DPT program, focusing on pediatrics). He and I are quite the duo. Teachers, therapists and strangers tell us we're crazy for all tthat we do. I say we're normal - trying to live a normal life, just like any 11-year-old. If that means racing in a duathlon together with a wheelchair, fine. If that means sliding down the slide with him (at 70 pounds!) in my lap, great. I envision Maddie doing the same - living life the way it should be lived! Please continue to embrace that! Maddie, thank you for showing the world what life is about. Mom, thanks for embracing all that is. Life certainly would be different without my buddy. I am thankful for each smile, frown, tear, and yes, temper tantrum. I know you are, too! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 - 10:21 PM
I am a Special Educator in South Dakota. I've grown up babysitting children with DS and have a 6th grader with it in one of the classes I teach. I've always had an appreciation for children with disabilities and will go to every length to keep the "R" word out of people's "lingo". Your video was amazing and I plan to share it with more educators, students, parents, etc. What a great way to inform our society of the beauty all children posess! Thank you for taking the time to share this incredible video and your personal lives with us. You have an amazing family. Maddox is such a lucky little girl...and you are some of the luckiest parents in the world, too. :) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2012 - 04:51 PM
Found your wonderful page after a friend sharing the gambling problem video on Facebook. Thank you for sharing your journey. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2012 - 03:45 AM
Hi Maddie. My name is Chase and I also have Down Syndrome. My mom and I love your website, thank you for sharing with everyone the love and honor that we add to the world!! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2012 - 10:26 PM
Your entire family is already making a difference in changing the world in this respect. You are fantastic parents with a challenging, yet rewarding journey each day. You have a beautiful daughter who is benefitting greatly from your love and support. God bless you through all the times ahead.
A loving mom from Illinois. SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 2012 - 10:24 PM
HI Maddox!
You are a real inspiration, You are so clever and talented already at just 2!
My older brother has downs and I thought I knew a bit about it, but you and the website your mum made have taught me that there is more than one form of downs! Look at you go, I'm in uni studying pre-med and you have taught me something medical at two years old! See how clever you are!
Continue to shine little lady! My brother means the world to me and I couldn't imagine a life without him just the way he is.
To your mum, Bradley is 31 and a happy, high-functioning adult. He may struggle with a few things that "normal" adults don't, but he is also a lot better at some things than others. He also has a relationship with a lovely lady that he met through his social group. She does have a disability, but he doesn't see that as all that different so it's not a problem to him. I can't imagine the loss you felt, but continue to keep your head up. Maddox will shock you with the things she achieves. Don't lose sight of her attending prom with a lovely fellow etc as it just may happen :)
Maddox, you are a precious gift that the world is blessed to have. Take care all four of you!
Lots of love from Australia SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2012 - 06:21 AM
What a beautiful story and I am blessed for reading it. Thank you for pouring out your soul. I love that you found purpose in your life and Madox's life. When God gives you lemons you make lemonade. You my dear, have made a lemon masterpiece that the top chefs in the world couldn't come close to making. Keep making the world better day by day. You are an inspiration. SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2012 - 08:19 AM
Thank you for sharing your story with the world! Maddox has people all over rooting for her daily! MONDAY, MARCH 19, 2012 - 01:33 PM
This is an absolutely beautiful website. I came across it after a friend shared a youtube video of Maddox sharing cue cards discussing her 'gambling issue'. I was immediately captivated by her beautiful eyes and contagious smile. As I watched, I found myself silently rooting and praying for your entire beautiful family. You have all shown an amazing amount of courage, strength, and perseverance that is awe-inspiring to many others. Keep it up! You're doing amazing as parents and supporters. Maddox, you're a wonderful reason to continue smiling and in proving your abilities, you give others strength! Thank you for allowing us to share with you. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2012 - 12:50 AM
[email protected]
I wanted to let you know your you tube video made an impact on me. i have a beautiful little girl named alyssa who has taught me so many things. I watch her teach everyone around about love and hard earned capabilities. Your little girl reminds me so much of Alyssa. Thank You for sharing your families story. 6/15/13
Sito watched every little piece of Maddie and her parent’s lives. I cry, I laugh, I wonder, I miss her and cant wait to hold her and smooch. She works so hard on everything she sets her mind to, just like her mommy did. Great Job Jamie, I am so proud of you. Wonder what Maddie will amaze us with tomorrow. Sweet Dreams Little One. Sat May 15, 2010 12:56 AM
We love you Maddie and cant wait to play this summer. Love Your cousins and future BFF’s, Anna and Emma. PS our parents think you are pretty wonderful too! Monday May 17, 2010 3:15 PM
Hey Maddie,
You look like you are keeping your mom and dad very busy. Addison can’t wait to play with you again and push you in the stroller. We may have to use a bigger one this time. Love ya! Kim and Addie Monday May 17 2010 4:07 PM
Maddie- Just wanted to let you know I think about you and your mommy and daddy on a daily basis! I am so proud of all that you have already accomplished in your few months here in the BIG BIG world. Keep up the good work! Don’t forget to slobber on mommy a little bit J Monday May 17, 2010 11:25 PM
Mindy Fink
Maddie- I love reading about all the things you are accomplishing everyday! Now tell your mommy to get you some Husker outfits. Tuesday May 18, 2010 9:17 PM
I heard today that you Maddie have been doing some pretty amazing feats at your young age. You are blessed that you have a super support team and everyone will be there for you. Problem is everyone wants to be first in line with you! Well little princess it grows late and Sito is ready for bed, but have no doubt I will figure this out in the morning U and I. I love you as high as the heavens. Good-night sweet dreams. Wednesday May 19 2010 1:14 AM
I had the privilege of baby sitting Maddie this afternoon via computer. How I look forward to our chats just her and I talking about her day. And when she answers with a coo, it is the voice of an Angel. And her smile is the smile of an Angel. Sweet Dreams Maddie. I love you. Wednesday May 19 2010 11:51 PM
Valerie Geiger - Cozad
Wow, what a beautiful and inspirational tribute to the life you share with your daughter. If every Mother (and Dad) could care as much as you do about their children, the world would be a much better place. Every child deserves to be loved this much, God knew just how He could trust with such a precious gift. Sunday May 23 2010 3:07 PM
I just finished looking through your ENTIRE webpage. What a beautiful tribute to your life as a family! Life is a journey and you and your husband portray it well. Your dad’s article was also amazing.
When we found out that Rachel (our 10 year old daughter) had scoliosis, many tears were shed (and I tended to blame myself). As a parent you want to truly put her life in your hands and take the disease away from her and take on yourself – but that is no what God planned.
We are lucky to be raising children in the 21st century. The technology and opportunities that are available for Maddie (and Rachel) are phenomenal!
We have taken on Rachel’s scoliosis, with plans to not only beat it, but hopefully be advocates for others going through it. Rachel is one of her doctor’s youngest scoliosis patients – girls are usually in their teens and done growing. We have yet to find some one her age with her curvature. We have chronicled every step, just like you (no webpage, though) and it has definitely helped us, especially Rachel.
We can become stronger and better people when given challenges such as these. You have a wonderful family, full of love and support – take advantage of it – and along with God’s blessings, you WILL continue to be stronger, better people.
Our love and prayers to the McClintics!
Monday May 24 2010 2:27 PM
Deb Walter
You are absolutely precious Maddie. Your Grandma told me about this site. Praying God’s rich blessings on you and your family. Tuesday May 25 2010 12:47 PM
Sue Otterstein
Scott, Jamie, and Maddie –
Josie shared your site with Eric and I. I love seeing the pics and your comments and feelings. Maddie is such a beautiful little girl! I’ll keep watching and reading. Can’t wait to see her 4th of July outfit! Tuesday May 25 2010 8:45 PM
Lauren Morrison
I love the blog Jamie! I look forward to reading more! Thursday May 27 2010 4:25 PM
Jamie after reading the page on disabilities, it made me realize that you were put on earth for so many reasons. You are the one that is giving hope to many parents and the lives of their children. They have put their trust in you. There hopes and dreams are real, along with their Faith. They have entrusted you with their precious children, to give them hope in sometimes not such a kind world. When you go to sleep at night, know that you made the right decision with their care. For they are all God’s special children. I love you. Tuesday June 1 2010 12:26 AM
Melinda Maloley Powers
What a beautiful family! You are so very blessed! Love to you! Melinda Maloley Powers, Cody, and Brady Wednesday June 2 2010 1:22 PM
Jamie Sue! I have always been proud of you, but I don’t think I have ever been more proud of you than I was after reading what you wrote in your letter to Maddox, dated June 2, 2010 under your “inspire” tab on this website.
Those words are powerful words written by a strong woman!...
Don’t ever again doubt your strength and your abilities to help not only Maddox, but everyone you know. I too am still learning. Today I learned that my wonderful daughter is even more wonderful that I could have imagined….
I love you.
Thursday June 3 2010 1:01 PM
Jamie – you are a super mom, super OT, just a super person – I love reading your blog and rooting for Maddie very day. As a therapist, kiddos scare the bejeezus out of me (what can I say, I do better with the old ladies), but reading your blog helps me remember just how much I can help little ones too – even just by my example of acceptance out in the community. You’re a strong lady, and no doubt have lots of challenges to face – but I have no doubt you, Scott and Maddie can overcome them all. She’s a gorgeous gift! Thanks so much for sharing! Friday June 4 2010 9:46 PM
Bonnie/Nurse – Midwife
Jamie, Scott, and Maddie; What a beautiful family. God has surely smiled as He watches over all of you. Every child is a blessing, and Maddie is so blessed to have such loving and capable parents. Saturday June 5 2010 2:42 PM
Marcie (Fink) Kostrunek
Jamie and Family
I just wanted to say WOW you are all an inspiration! Can’t wait o see all of your new updates and just how fast Maddie changes J Little girls are the best. Sunday June 6 2010 8:39 PM
Maddie your mommy made a promise to me today. We are going to have so much fun. Can’t wait! I love you. Saturday June 13 2010 8:12 PM
Dear Maddie, We watched videos of you tonight. You are adorable. And we love you so much. We are going to give you all our love and if there is any left we will give it you’re your Mom and Dad. We are getting very anxious to see you and we can’t wait until July. Sending all our love to you. Love Great Gido and Great Sito. Saturday June 12 2010 8:17 PM
Maddie, you are a beautiful young lady with very special parents. God bless you and your family as you grow and learn and experience the joys of life. Monday June 14 2010 5:36 PM
Hi there! This comment is coming all the way from Vancouver, Canada! I came across your blog and had to comment! Maddie is completely adorable! Your love for her is so evident from your writing and your pictures. Jamie you are living proof that special kids have special parents! Wednesday June 16 2010 12:58 PM
Dot Wall
First time on your site and it will not be the last. I will pass it on to my good friends with the National Down Syndrome Congress. They love all positive material and you are all wonderful writers. Maddox is so blessed to have such a circle of love! Tuesday June 22 2010 11:14 PM
Charlene Mattson VP National Down Syndrome Congress
Amazing site, amazing family, amazing first steps to a lifetime of cheer joy. Monday June 28, 2010 10:33 PM
Debbie Blanchard
I have thouroughly enjoyed your website. Maddox is absolutely adorable. I hve a grandson, Connor, who was born with DS. He is amazing and has taught us as much as we have taught him. He will be 6 in September. Sit back and enjoy the ride because you’re journey is just beginning. But believe me, it is worth every minute. Houma, LA Monday July 5 2010 2:13 PM
Great Aunt Jan
Dear Maddie,
I am getting so excited to see you and meet you that instead of working on my college project, I am catching up on all the latest pictures and movies from your website. You are just so precious and waiting until Wednesday to see you is too long so I’ll be driving to York on Sunday, so I don’t have to share you with everyone else that wants to meet and hold you on Wednesday. This will be our time. Be ready, because Great Aunt Jan loves kissing baby feet. I also bought you seven new books and of course I’ll have to read them all to you (and probably more than once). Also, be ready for lots of hugs, kisses, and of course talking because everyone that knows me knows I like to talk, too! I wont do any opera singing like your daddy because you would probably start to cry for me, too, but I do expect to be able to get some good baby talking in. We’ll have so much fun together. Is it Sunday yet?
Love Always,
Great Aunt Jan and of course all the Bendler men!
PS What a wonderful tribute and website Jamie. You and Scott are loved too- but I won’t be kissing your feet. Friday July 16 2010 9:40 PM
Hi Baby Girl…
I just wanted to let you know that your uncle Todd was thinking of you. I can’t wait to hold you and kiss you on the next time.
Love you…
Uncle Todd and Aunt Mel and Dawsyn
Monday August 23 2010 9:45 PM
Maddox is such a Ham! I think I’ve watched every movie of her… I laugh at them, she is just too cute! Monday October 11 2010 12:21 AM
We are friends of Dot and Gary Walls. We have a son with downs that is 24. Your daughter is beautiful and so is your web site. Thanks again for posting on Dots FB so I could read about your journey. I love meeting families with Special Children like my Matthew and your Maddie. She will bring you so much love and Joy threw the years. Again I love you web page and your daughter is beautiful!!!
Wednesday October 13 2010 11:55 AM
Give it up Michael Phelps, we have a new Olympic Gold Medal winner: Maddox McClintic, 2,029…. Monday October 25 2010 7:53 PM
Sheri Hladky
Hello from Nebraska. I heard about your web page from Mindy so I had to check it out and see what you’ve been up to. It is so wonderful. I will have to keep checking back now that I know about it. You have a beautiful family and are truly blessed! It is great to read about your family. Hopefully you can all make a trip back for our next class reunion, if not sooner. Saturday November 6 2010 11:54 PM
Wow, what a wonderful site, I can keep up with all that is going on at your house. Remember if you are near Merrill and need a babysitter,I've been approved by my children to do that ! I think Maddy picked the perfect parents.
Grandma Coppens
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2011 - 08:09 AM
Connie Swails (One of GMA Josie’s Lexington Friend)
I don’t know who is the most blessed - Scott and Jamie by the gift of Maddox, or Maddox by the gift of Scott and Jamie. It seems our greatest blessings are the ones WE don’t plan! Monday February 21, 2011 11:23 AM.
Jamie, I LOVE the site. What a beautiful thing you have done. I have very wet eyes reading the "new mommy" note. I do not know you at all, but you really hit the nail on the head. Wish I could've read that 2 years ago. I wish I could have articulated those words like you have. Thanks for sharing. FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2011 - 10:36 PM
I saw your video on Facebook today and was so completely blown away! Thank you, Maddox, for sharing your gambling problem with the world so that we can all work to make it a better place for you and my daughter, Gemma - and everyone out there who has that extraordinary third 21st chromosome!! You have an awesome momma :) xxoxxox SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 2012 - 12:46 AM
Wow! I am simply moved by all of this. I am a teacher and will be starting a SPED program soon. I live in Portland, Oregon. I don't know how - but I would LOVE to help you guys get word out, make the world aware... anything. Let me know what I can do. I don't know how to email you privately but anything I can do, I will. I am posting this on my Facebook too. I will share and share and share. But really, if I can help... SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 2012 - 12:58 PM
I saw your video last night on Facebook- and I cried with the biggest smile on my face all the way through. Sixteen years ago our daughter Wendy was born with Down Syndrome, and what I can tell you- What I can PROMISE you is that your beautiful daughter will have everything she dreams of, and more. She will walk, run, and swim, she will go to yoga class, art class, dance class, and she will go to a typical high school with her peers, where she will be in the chorus, and be in the high school musical. She will run up the bill on her own cell phone. She will spend too much time on Facebook and watching music videos on YouTube. She will tell you she has nothing to wear with a closet full of clothes, and she will shop at the mall like there is not tomorrow. And you will enjoy every instant of all of it!
All the best,
Joe Romano (Find me on Facebook if you want to get in touch!) SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 2012 - 04:17 PM
I just want to Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your video. I have a son Charlie who will be 6 on January 16 and he has Down Syndrome. Thank you for doing this. I would also love to know how in the world you got her to stay there that long. Charlie would have ditched me after about 2 minutes. SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 2012 - 07:41 PM
I'm a 55 year old grandfather - today I saw your youtube video and it brought tears to my eyes. Tears for all the times in my life I've not been accepting, tears for the times when I've been cruel to others, tears for what I have missed a s a result and ... tears of joy for your beautiful child and the message she brings.
Thank you and please give Maddox a kiss for me and tell her I'm in her corner.
Sending your family my best ...
Peace be with you always ...
Tim SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 2012 - 07:57 PM
I love this video. Maddox is such a happy girl =). We went through the same thing almost two years ago as well. We gave birth to our fourth little girl Jan 30 2010 and almost lost her during the delivery. Everything you described happened to us as well. They took her right away and I didn't see her for hours and we were sent home with a baby who may or may not have brain injury due to labor/delivery. She had a heart murmur and that's all we knew.. She had open heart at 6 weeks old ro repair those and yet she still wasn't thriving? We just found out in November that she has a deletion in her chromosome 26. Her OMIM is 57. We grieve for the "normal" child we thought she would become but when i really sit down and watch her she is normal just a little behind and right now that's ok. We have therapies at our home four times a week and already making plans for school time. I often wonder will she fall in love, get married and be a mommy someday if she wants to? The un-known is what gets me everyday. But we prevail. Natalie will be two on the 30th. She signs but doesn't walk yet. I to wonder what goes through peoples minds when they see her. She is getting bigger so it's starting to become evident that she has "something". When I say she has a chromosome or neurological (she has BPT another rare diagnoses) disorder most people have the privilage to not know what that is. I am very vocal about her disorders and will tell anyone and everyone who ask what she has. I want to let you know that your video is inspiring to moms and dads who go through what you went through. Especially for us parents who had no idea there was an issue. I will follow Maddox and see change the world one family at a time =). I don't blog yet but I have a fb page if you wanted to see Natalie. She smiled when I showed her Maddox's video. Oh and we're originally from MI too. I graduated from a school right next to Ann Arbor. Take care McClintic Family. Lots of love, Brooke Arabo SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 2012 - 11:39 PM
I have so much that I would like to say to your family, but I just cant seem to find the right words (or without crying my eyes out) I can not get enough of your little girl! She is one of the most amazing people I have ever encountered in my 21 years of life. I wish I could have the enormous impact on your daughter just as that of the enormous impact she has had on my heart and soul. Please keep her wonderful day to day blogs coming. I love to read them and see the wonderful family you have do wonderful things! Let her know that I support her in everything and anything she wants to do and believe in her 110% Bless you and your amazing family and please, give her a big hug for me! PS- If your ever in Sioux Falls, SD I would love to meet your family. You have truly touched my heart.
Acacia :) MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 - 03:08 AM
Happy Birthday Maddox! We are the Nesbitt family (Bill, Cris Justine, Eric, William, Liam, And MADDIE!). Our Maddie is 4 years old and was lucky enough to be blessed with Downright Sillyness as well. We saw your video via our DS Support Group and posted it to our facebook. This was only 8 hours ago and overnight, 4 people have shared and many people have commented on how they loved seeing you! Maddie is very popular in our community. In fact, if she were old enough and could run for mayor, she would probably win! She brings so much love and joy to friends and strangers as well. Thank you for sharing your story. It is so nice to know that their are other families just like us...BLESSED! If you are on facebook, please friend us!! Cris Flemming Nesbitt. MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 - 06:41 AM
a friend posted the video you & Maddox made on her facebook page. I just wanted to tell you I loved it, and your darling daughter made me smile -- her joyful energy is contagious!
All the best to Maddie and your family in the future! MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 - 09:38 PM
Maddox, you are a gorgeous little girl who has the world at your feet just waiting for you to explore and by the sounds of it your family are absolutely wonderful. Ignore those that doubt your abilities, because there are many many more that believe in you. My almost three year old watched your video and said "that my new friend Maddie, she so cute!" So big hugs from Olivia in Australia, she believes in you! TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 06:53 AM
You are such a beautiful girl Maddox! I can already tell you will do great things in this world. God bless you and your family! TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 04:17 PM
WOW- an amazingly BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER- and FAMILY!! I cannot imagine the heartache you were first surprised with- but EVERY CHILD IS A BLESSING and GIFT from GOD, and are so precious and DESERVE all the good in life. God has given you an ANGEL- to learn from. to teach- and she is here to teach those that don't understand her DS. With an AWESOME FAMILY like you Maddox will go far. My husband and I both saw this and both sat here and cried, and he is a musician and he said I WANT TO DO A BENEFIT FOR HEM so that she can have EVERYTHING SHE HAS EVER WANTED!!!! Let's get a College Fund started for her- whatever we have to do. You have touched our lives- and we would love to touch your back, where do you all live? Wondering if it is somewhere we could do a benefit. We are raising our 3 year old granddaughter- and it's amazing how mch these little lives CAN CHANGE BIG LIVES........ God Bless you al- we will be chekcing in on you - Kari and David McConnell TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 05:57 PM
I just watched your video on cafemom and your story and message is very touching! Happy Belated Birthday to Maddie!! She is a beautiful little girl and may life give her everything and anything that she could possibly ever want from it. Her story brought me to tears as I am sure it did many people! I'm rooting for you baby girl!! May you all lead blessed lives! :) TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 06:10 PM
Hi, I have a 21 year old daughter with Down Syndrome and when I saw your You Tube video, I fell in love with Maddox. She is a total doll and total joy. I remember everything that I was told with Bethany and know that God truly is the one that took care of her. God Bless You all! TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 06:24 PM
I saw your amazing beautiful video of your mommy and you and it made me cry! i support you 100% from Oregon, your beautiful and your family loves you so very much! keep going! TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 08:12 PM
I saw your video on Facebook and think you both have won the lottery. Scott and Jamie clearly have an incredible daughter and Maddox has wonderful parents. Thank you for warming my heart. I hope my two-year old daughter has a chance to play with you some day. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 08:32 PM
As others have before me, I would like to say thank you for your video and website. I am the mother of two beautiful children that have a genetic degenerative muscle disorder that causes them to have weak muscles and therefore they walk different than other kids. As I was reading through blog, I could not believe that there was someone else out there that has been experiencing the same emotions that I have! You have no idea how guilty I have felt sometimes as I tried to come to terms with the 'why me - why my kids' of it all. And the resentment for and tears that I cried (and still do) when people talk about how blessed they are to have healthy children. I feel my husband and I are Blessed in so many ways! Abi's main goal in life is (in her words) to prove to the world that kids with disabilities can do everything other kids do'. Keep up the positive outlook! Maddox is an inspiration to us all. I can't wait to show your website to my daughter!
TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 08:36 PM
[email protected]
My cousin posted your video about Maddox's "gambling problem" on my wall on facebook. I cried watching it the first time, tears again the second time and posted it myself again on my wall on facebook and have had many comments and likes all within the first hour of posting it. I also posted it to our blog (I hope that is alright - I figured it was since it is a Ds awareness video, and an awesome one too!!!) just wanted to say hi and thank you for the wonderful video you made for your daughter. Our little Whitney just turned 3 on August 25th. We live in Indianapolis. Your hopes and dreams for Maddox are the same as ours for Whitney!!! ~Laura (mom to Anne and Whitney) TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 09:16 PM
I am deeply moved and touched by your angel child, and your devotion to her. I was brought to tears watching your video I found on Facebook.
Thank you for reminding people that there is perfection in imperfection. Your daughter is perfect and magical. Thank you for showing the world that love can conquer all. Thank you for sharing Maddie and her beautiful soul with all of us.
You are blessed forever and Maddie is blessed to have you for parents. Your kind and quality of love is what makes this world a better place to live in. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 2012 - 09:25 PM
I found your site by accident tonight. You are a fabulous Mother and your little Maddox is beautiful. I am a retired special education teacher. I wish your entire family good health and happiness now and forever.
South Bend, Indiana WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:32 AM
Maddox, with the wonderful parents you have and the spirit they are letting you show to the rest of us, I think you will have a WONDERFUL love filled life, with friends who admire you, teachers who will nourish you with education and people who will look at you and say....you bet your bippie she's terrific. Happy 2nd birthday, and many more to come. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:36 AM
Wow. I have to say your video was pure truth. Your words hit me so hard, my tears are falling. I'm a 29 year old dad of two. My daughter is about to turn 7 on Feb 9th. Her name is kaylee Alexis. She has downs. Everything that the doctors told you, happened to me as well. They said she is 100% normal. Then when she was born, the doctor seen her eyes and he panics. He said my daughter is special. I told him duh!!!! Then he starts to tell me how life for her will be different than how I grew up. I didn't believe a word he said. I was really upset he was looking down on my kaylee. Deep inside me I cry all the time for her and how I know how the real world is going to treat her and how mean people are. I want to be there to protect her 24/7 but I know I can't. I put on my hero face for her and treat her no different than anyone. She is my biggest fan as I am hers. Your video has really opened up my heart. It makes my cry but it will make me a stronger father.
Thank you so much.
David Cunningham WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:42 AM
What a beautiful website that will forever be a very nice memory of how special you are Maddie and a wonderful little girl that I am sure will bring much inspiration to all who learn of your story.
You remind all of us just how special each and every child is...Thank you and I truly wish you many blessings and much happiness in your life. Love and light to you always Maddie. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:46 AM
I just came across your video...absolutely beautiful...the video and that little girl of yours. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:59 AM
WOW, what an amazing site...Bought me to tears! Love and prayers to you all...Maddox you are very beautiful!!! God Bless you and Keep you all!!
Amy Evans and Family WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 01:12 AM
Dear Sweet Maddox,
You're Facebook official now and I'm writing you from Arkansas! It's not as backwoods as some think! After seeing the video your Mom made I am convinced God is leading you to do great things. Your Mom's message was so powerful, inspiring and loving that I watched it 4 times and cried every time. Not because it made me sad, because you made me stronger and you opened up my eyes and heart. One day you will realize just how lucky you are to have her as your personal cheerleader! Keep getting stronger, sweet girl and prove that you are PERFECT just the way you are. I believe it and shared your story with all of my friends...and some shared you too! I'm going to keep watching you WIN on here sweet girl and can't wait to hear how you proved them wrong...again!
xoxo WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 02:10 AM
I really am inspired by your story. I have met a few down syndrome people and I wonder if their quality of life is better than ours. They don't seem to get weighed down by life's stressors. They just live in the moment and enjoy life. I also was moved to tears during your you-tube video. Maddox is adorable and lovely. I would love to meet your inspiring family sometime. God Bless you all. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 03:21 AM
I watched your video on facebook today Maddox and you truly are a gambler. Keep up the fight and know that you are an amazing, beautiful, precious girl. Whatever you want to accomplish in life you will. Keep up the good work! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 10:18 AM
Dear Maddox and Maddox's Mommy,
We're standing way up on our tippy toes cheering for you, Maddox. You are a gift, a blessing. Please know that you have much to hope for in this life. Noelle's daughter, Cate, is now almost 15. She has Down syndrome, too. She has changed many lives. She goes to a typical high school, was named to the Homecoming Court in 9th grade, and has a boyfriend. Life is good. So wonderful to meet you. And let's keep in touch!!
Angela & Noelle
Just Cate Coauthors
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 10:32 AM
Thank you for openly sharing your heart and journey. My soul deeply connects with your story and feelings and process. I have an 18 month old beautiful son with Down syndrome and he is a gambler too! We are hoping for him and rooting for him and deeply loving him. My God bless you little Maddox for you are beautifully and wonderfully made. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 10:40 AM
HI, I think Maddie is absolutely beautiful! She looks a lot like my daughter who is 6 now. I haven't had the chance to read you're entire website but looking forward to. I live in Michigan as well. I would love to make a website like this about my daughter. Can you give me any pointers on how to start? WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 11:41 AM
Hello - my name is Meredith Baumann and I have a daughter who is 30 years old. Erin happens to have Down Syndrome as well. I know you know - but good things do happen when life slips you a curve ball. I recognized myself in everything you said about the early days and weeks of your daughter's life. It took me a while to not jump ahead to what could the future hold to live in the days given us and to enjoy them. Erin attended school with her peers and has many friends both from her school days and those she has met since. She works at a Hardee's restaurant every day. She counts as her friends the women's basketball team at the University of North Dakota and has friends from all of the University sports teams. Erin is very involved in Special Olympics and this year is the female athlete of the year for North Dakota. Pride doesn't even measure our feelings for our daughter. Erin spoke to over 3000 area youth and young adults in March on the topic of Spread the Word to End the Word which is the campaign Special Olympics is involved in the stop the use of the R - Word (retard). As I looked at your celebration of two year old birthday, I know you will be a strong advocate for Maddox now and always. Please count me in as her advocate also. God bless you and all of your family as you celebrate this year and all the years to come! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 11:45 AM
This is Joan again. I forgot to mention how to contact me if you would like to give me tips on the website. Perhaps we can exchange stories and help each other out. My daughter has had to fight a lot harder than most children. She is just now learning to walk. We celebrate every milestone and she is always motivated with a smile.
My email address is prizm99[at]gmail.com WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 11:47 AM
A friend shared your youtube video on Facebook and I watched it and smiled and cried and had to check out your blog. On November 6, 2009 I was pregnant with my 3rd child and I sat in a chair in my living room and read the report that informed me my oldest child, my 4 year old son had Autism. I was in shock and afraid and in denial. I never wanted to be the parent of a child with special needs. My youngest daughter Kilia was born November 8, 2009. Eight minutes after she arrived they told me she most likely had trisomy 21 and whisked her off to Special Care. She weighed 4lbs and was born with no airway on the left side of her nose. She aspirated and would stop breathing. They told me she would most likely not be home until after Christmas and she would be tube fed. She came home 12 days later : ) I pumped for 18 months and only had to thicken the breast milk for 10 months. She has had 8 surgeries and will have many more. She can sign, she says a few words, she pulls herself to standing, she takes steps while holding onto the couch, she crawls in and out of the toy box unassisted, she is amazing : ) The day she was born I sat with a nurse and went over the statistics with her. 1 in 110 children have Autism. 1 in 733 births are a baby with Trisomy 2. 1 in 6,000 live births are a baby with Choanal atresia. She told me we had won the lottery : ) And I couldn't agree more : ) Just a couple months ago we found out my middle daughter has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I am the mother of 3 kids, 3 kids with special needs and I thank the Lord for the blessing of being their mom every day! Thank you for your video and your blog and your willingness to share your heart with the world. God bless you and your beautiful family! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 12:21 PM
Hello Maddie you have a family of fans here on Vancouver Island. My baby was supposed to have DS according to my scans and screen's and I was ready to welcome her into the world for the loving teacher that she would be. I think that extra chromosome is there for a reason... but when my baby was born there was no sign of what the doctors said there would be, and her tests proved that there was no extra chromosome for her. She did teach me so much about DS. Maddie, you are an amazing little girl who has a very wonderful mommy. Thank you for your video, it brought happy tears to my eyes, and my little girl now 19 months loves talking to you when we watch it and share it with friends. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 01:06 PM
Hi Maddox and family!
I love your video, your photos and your journey! I think you really do have a wonderful gift for the world and for your family. It looks like you're working very hard and deserve the best life has to offer.
My mommy was born differently-abled too. Her condition, Servelle-Martorell Syndrome, is a vascular condition that's caused her a lot of trouble in her life but she's pushed through. People wondered if she'd ever find love and she did. So she says she believes your wishes and dreams will come true too. She has worked hard to find her place in this world and gain acceptance also.
People fear what they do not know. You've got the right idea, education is important to helping people understand. Keep up the good work :)
Madeline (age 3) from the Essary Bunch WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 01:37 PM
Your baby is so beautiful. I saw the article about her online and about your video on you tube---Absolutely precious. Always remember she is a gift from God and you were chosen for all of the wonderful love you could give her and she will give others. Thank him every day for loving you so much to know you will take wonderful care of his special blessing. You will have other children and they will be the light of joy to show others how special Maddie is and how wonderful of a job you guys do raising them. Stay prayerful and continue to spread love as we all belong to him and he will take care of you. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 01:45 PM
Dear Maddie,
my name is Joanne from Quebec city and I want to thank you mother and your father for sharing your coming into this world. If I would be closer, I would love to have you spend much time with my little girls so you could teach them that "difference is okay and can be much better". You would be a great influence for them. I have put your video on our facebook page "les accompagnantes". Take good care of those smiley eyes! K&H. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 01:56 PM
All I can say is wow! Amazing would be a wonderful word to use to describe your precious little girl and the odds that she has beat! God Bless you all~ She definitely has a "gambling" problem~ LOL She is beautiful! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 03:48 PM
This story touched my heart and soul. Maddox is a beautiful little girl. To answer your question on the one page , when I look at Maddox, I see nothing but a little normal human being. I had a little sister that was born with Downs Syndrome. She was perfect in every way.. We lost her in 2002 when she passed away from Leukemia. She was only 10 years old. Individuals with Downs Syndrome are the most loving, caring , happy, smart and incredible people I have ever met. Don't ever, ever count them out! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 06:36 PM
Scottt, Jaime and Maddox. Loved your Youtube presentation. We have a son, Casey, a DownSyndrome young man of 31. We had dreams for Casey also, that he would be self sufficient enough to live alone (he has been in his own house for 11 years), that he would work (assistant custodian at Holy Cross Catholic grade school), he would be an athlete (Special Olympics multi sports) be active in our parish (mass server, usher), he emails from his computer center, rides the local bus system to work, and has a network of friends that love to "pick on him" about his favorite sports teams, etc. Casey has two older sisters, an older brother and two pushy parents that expected all from him that he was capable of. He is happier more of the time than anyone else in the family. We wonder who is really on the 'wrong side of the fence", Casey or the rest of the family. We have had plenty of opportunities to share our experience with Casey and take advantage of every opportunity! God chooses only the most special parents to givve these precious gifts to! God Bless you all! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 08:54 PM
Dear McClintic Family,
I saw the "gambling problem" video today on Facebook; it's amazing. Maddox is so adorable! I want you to know that I am a pediatric occupational therapist and I BELIEVE IN HER! I am amazed everyday at the accomplishments of all "my" kids (and their families) that I have been privileged to work with over the years! I know how hard Maddox works for the "little" things and how big those little things are! I wish you all the best and will be looking forward to following her progress through your blog. Thank you for sharing your life and your love! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 10:04 PM
I love your blog and your you tube video. Maddox, you are a beautiful little girl, and are an inspiration to many. I loved your video. I love the story about the lab losing your bloodwork. There must be a Divine Plan for your life. My daughter Emily is also chromosomily enhanced. She is four. She is also an inspiration to many in her life. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2012 - 11:41 PM
Maddie, you and your family are an inspiration in a world sorely in need of it. I read about you, watched you, laughed and cried. You my dear child are a gift to your family and I know you will be a gift to those who will have the privialge to be in your world.
Good luck little lady. You are so gentle as you are tough... THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 12:26 AM
Hello Maddie!
I have just watched you and your beautiful Mummy's Utube video, with tears streaming down my face. I am a mum to 4 incredible boys and my youngest, Reuben, who is 9 months, has Downs. He is absolutely gorgeous and a true gift to our lives! I started reading through your website tonight and can so relate to your Mum's feelings and emotions.
With Reuben, I had a threatened miscarriage at10 1/2 weeks and at the 19 week scan, the doctor found our baby had lots of things wrong - clenched fists, cysts on the brain, fluid around and holes in his heart, just to name a few. We were told he probably had Trisomy 18 or Edward's Syndrome, where bubs do not survive long outside the womb. We went home devastated and found our son a name that night.
About 10 days later (after an amnio), we were told Reuben did not have Trisomy 18 but Trisomy 21. So we went from being relieved that he was not going to die at birth or shortly after, to shock that this would "happen to us" and fears of a very uncertain and unknown future. Then came all the emotions, questions, tears, and heartache that your mum went through - your most amazing, brave mum (and dad!).
Reuben was born a month early, weighing 6 pounds 1 once. He was jaundiced for ages so we were in and out of hospital for the first 2 weeks (it turned out Reuben does not have a tyroid gland). I am pumping milk for him as he could not breast feed.
But (and this is what made me cry in your video) all that the doctors said would happen, DID NOT HAPPEN (and boy were we praying before he arrived!!)...the cysts went by 26 weeks, Reuben's hands were perfect when he was born (it was the first thing I checked!), and all but 1 of the 4 holes in his heart have closed...he is an incredibly brave little overcommer, just like you beautiful Maddie!!
While my journey has been the toughest and most emotional I have ever had to walk, I would not change a moment. I love our perfect little boy with such a fierce, strong love. We totally adore him!
Thankyou so much for sharing your story with us all. I will be praying for and thinking of you all often and hope to read more on your site. Much love
Elisa xoxox THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 09:28 AM
Hi from NJ,
I would just like to say that you are too cute! I have a daughter with Downs Syndrome who is 25 years old. It is a privilegde to know and love her, as I am sure it is also with you. I have a poem for you and you family that I came across a few years ago and I hope you will all enjoy it.
God bless you and your family ,
The Creed of Babies with Down Syndrome
My face may be different
But my feelings the same
I laugh and I cry
And I take pride in my gains
I was sent here among you
To teach you to love
As God in the heavens
Looks down from above
To Him I'm no different
His love knows no bounds
It's those here among you
In cities and towns
That judge me by standards
That man has imparted
But this family I've chosen
Will help me get started
For I'm one of the children
So special and few
That came here to learn
The same lessons as you
That love is acceptance
It must come from the heart
We all have the same purpose
Though not the same start
The Lord gave me life
To live and embrace
And I'll do it as you do
But at my own pace
THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 10:54 AM
Four weeks ago, my life, like yours changed forever. My husband and I tried for two years to get pregnant and last April we finally saw that thin pink line. Because of our infertility, we had almost a dozen ultrasounds, none of which signaled a problem. That, along with my age of 29, lead us not to do a quad screen.
Our little Miss Lila was breech so we scheduled a c section for December 12th. Her room was ready, my parents were in town, everything was perfect.
The c section went great and when I saw Lila for the first time, I only thought she doesn't look like what I imagined, downs never entered my mind. But the nurses could tell something, I could feel it. We all celebrated, but 3 hours later my world came to a stop. They said she showed some soft signs and wanted to test to be sure. I felt everyone staring at me, there were almost a dozen people in the room. I zoned in and out because of the morphine. I couldn't concentrate on what they were telling me. We would know for sure in 24 hours. That time is a blur. People stopped taking pictures, some cried, my first words to my husband... " she is still ours, we will love her anyway," but inside I was numb.
When the results came back positive, I asked everyone to leave the room, I couldn't handle their grief on top of my own, the weight was crushing. My husband and I held each other and didn't say anything for an hour, trying to wrap our heads around the news.
For two days, I didn't shed a tear. I think I felt like, if I did, it would mean I wasn't grateful for my little girl. As we told the rest of our family and friends, many offered comforting words of advice and support, but my eyes stayed dry. Until our last night in the hospital, when the nurses encouraged me to walk around the hallways of the hospital to help release some the air trapped in my stomach from the surgery. All of a sudden, I saw people pouring in and out of these other rooms with congratulations balloons and stuffed animals. I lost it. My room was filled with gifts and family too, but each was tiptoeing around Lila's diagnosis, not sure what to say, often with sad smiles of an uncertain future. These other visitors were jubilant, with bright but exhausted smiles, full of plans and goals. I felt like they had stolen my joy. A nurse we met at a prenatal class rushed up to ask if I was in pain. In fact, my heart was in so much pain I couldn't speak. All I could manage to say was, "jealous." I wanted that excitement back from the hour before her birth, from the previous 9 months. I wanted to start over, to have it all go as I planned, I wanted life to be fair. My mind told me that I was being punished for all of my previous successes when the road might have been too easy. I will feel guilty for these feelings probably for the rest of my life.
That night a friend sent the poem "welcome to holland." it told of an unexpected trip, when your heart was and tour bags packed for another destination. It spoke of the grief for your perfect plans and the story already written in your mind. it was the first time I felt understood and not alone. I felt it was my permission slip to feel, to shed the numbness of the previous days, to accept the challenge ahead and to love my little girl that I spent years praying to meet. That night we sent an email to coworkers and posted on Facebook about Lila's downs. We told everyone not to tell us they were sorry, because we weren't.
I still wonder if she could sense the sadness that sometimes still grips me when we go to another doctor, hear news of a friends perfect new arrival, or get a glimpse of something she probably won't ever do. And then I remember the words a dear friend said to me in the hospital. She is not just your gift, she was sent here to teach us all. My little Lila, an example of faith and hope and love before she was even a few hours old. A blessing I pray for the patience to appreciate. My child. A gift most apparent when I can hear my husband talking to her from the other room, with so much pure connection that I fall more in love with him everyday. I know she will be The bond that will define our family.
Thank you for sharing your story so I would have the courage to put mine in words.
Latricia [email protected]
Chattanooga, Tennessee THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 11:32 AM
I was sent the link to your Youtube video from our CEO from Special Olympics Michigan. What a beautiful daughter that you have. I loved the video and your blog and webpage are wonderful. We are wondering if you are involved in our Young Athelte Program in Michigan. I would love to talk to you about this. Anne Rogers - [email protected] (734) 222 8283 THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 12:47 PM
A beautiful video that speaks to my heart! We have 2 autistic children and it is so hard to explain to others all that it entails. Thank you for sharing YOUR story and being such a great advocate for you daughter. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 01:18 PM
Thank you for posting all about your wonderful family - you are an inspiration to all. I have learned so much from your site. I work with students with Down Syndrome and they truly are an amazing group of people - you have helped me to appreciate them even more. Your daughter, by the way, is gorgeous. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 03:12 PM
Hi Maddox! I hope you had an amazing birhtday! You are a gorgeous young lady. My daughter Jordan is just like you in so many ways. I wish that we lived closer so that the two of you could be playmates.
Tell your mommy that she is doing an awesome job and that she is an inspiration to so many people in the world. (Just look at how fast your youtube video has spread)
Thank you for sharing your life with the world. You are beating the odds and making a huge differnce in the world. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 11:19 PM
I forgot to mention that if you ever need extra support, please feel free to contact me. I know there are some days where it feels like there is never enough. Jordan is 4 months younger than Maddox and we too are huge advocates and we understand the struggles... and all of the rewards that come from them. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 11:28 PM
Very Inspirational. Your family is so beautiful inside and out. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2012 - 02:58 PM
Dear Maddox, Jamie and Scott,
I saw your video and was inspired to smile and cry and cheer for you as I watched. Maddox you will go many places with your Mom and Dad's help. Thank you for blessing our lives and showing us who you are. Thank you to you, Jamie, for sharing your story - all of it.
Here is another inspiring story that I thought you might like to know about, if you don't already, have a look. http://www.newangela.com/
If you would like to know more about the nutrition that helped start the transformation for Angela please contact me through my website - www.radicalredesigns.ca. I would be honoured to share it with you and your beautiful family.
Keep on with your stories of challenge and victory. They will inspire many people for an eternity.
Love and Light, Jeanette FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2012 - 05:26 PM
A friend directed me to your site. I am adopting a precious little girl from an orphange in Eastern Europe that is as you put "Downright Silly" She is perfect in my eyes. I am going to bookmark your site so I can read more!
Megan www.myjourneyofhteheart.blogspot.com FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 2012 - 07:14 PM
Hi Maddox, a friend told me about the video you made with your mommy and I just watched it. It is simply inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I will be doing my very small part to spread the message. Happy belated birthday and have a wonderful year! Wishing you and your family all the very best! SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 01:11 AM
Thirty eight years ago our daughter Lisa was born with DS and she has truly blessed our lives. Of course, we were devastated at first, but our depression turned into joy and pride when we saw beyond the label and began to appreciate what a wonderful little person she was. She continues to bring much happiness to everyone she meets, and although there have been many challenges along the way, we can say with complete honesty that we would not want to change anything about her. SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 10:13 AM
Great photos of your best and worst day. 10 years ago the best day and worst day of my husband and my lives happened. Our son was born 1 in 1,000 with undiagnosed spina bifida. Like you the 8 ultrasounds showed nothing nor the bloodwork. We also have photos of the happiness and then all the sadness. My friends have asked me why would I have such photos? I have no solid answer just that that was my life and the start of my sons why would I not want to capture the happy and the sad, I take photos of everything. Maddox is beutiful and I am betting she will go as far as her dreams can take her. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 09:22 PM
I just watched the video on facebook of little Maddox, I am a Mom of a 3 month old little boy with down syndrome:> Your experience in the hospital was very similar to ours in the fact that we found out after the fact (long and convoluted story I won't bore you with) that our little Lochlan had down syndrome. It knocked the wind out of me and because I work at a children's hospital myself made it that much more difficult. I think for the first 2 and a half months I had posted that fake smile and told everyone that i'm fine and everythings okay...heck the things I see parents go through at work makes my situation look easy. But it's not and know reality is setting in and I'm so glad I found your website cause I really needed to see someone else write down what I'm thinking in my head. Thank you so much for putting your life story out there:> Dawn[email protected] SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 05:05 PM
Love the site and the Youtube video! If you haven't you should join BloggyMoms Group, a wonderful group of moms! SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 06:27 PM
Hi Maddie! I loved watching your video on YouTube! You remind me so much of my little sister, Rachel! She had that same twinkle in her eye when she was 2 and we all loved it... she isn't 2 any more, she will be 30 this year! But she still has a twinkle and has so many joys in her life... She works with little children as a volunteer and she travels places... she has a great time. I know you will have as much fun as Rachel did growing up (she's still growing up - and she's still having fun!) Oh, I forgot to mention that she has something else in common with you - she also has that wacky packy Down's business... I agree - let's call it Downright Silly and move on... Cheers for you kiddo! And cheers for you Mom and Dad. The long journey is a joyful one and its great that you have so many friends and wonderful family riding along in the traincar with you.. Thanks for sharing Maddie with me, today! SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 08:31 PM
Hi McClintic family,
I am a sophomore in college and came across Maddie's youtube video. To say that I was touched is an understatement. From a very young age I have interacted with individuals with special needs because my aunt was born with brain damage causing her to have developmental delays. Because of this, I have always felt a special connection to those with special needs. Later on in my life I was a camp counselor for 40 special needs kids with down syndrome and autism. Seeing Maddoxes innocence and beauty in that video overwhelms me with joy. I know how hard it can be at time, but I have SEEN with my own eyes that kids like Maddie can live the most fulfilled lives; maybe even more fulfilled than a typical person (especially with a wonderful loving family like you have). I admire you guys, and I send all my love to you and Maddie.
From now, you can look forward to the future. The future is bright with wonderful memories yet to be had. I am so excited for your family and I wish you all the best.
Mike SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 10:35 PM
I came across your youtube video. I cried most of the way through. You and your beautiful daughter are an inspiration! Thank you! SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 - 11:24 PM
we love you maddox<3 you are a true beauty. scott, jamie, thank you for giving us all something to believe in~ hope for~ be thankful for~your love for your daughter is amazingggg!!
SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 03:51 AM
Nine years ago I found out that my daughter had Potter's syndrome. Unfortunately, she wasnt meant to live with us for very long and she died a few hours after her birth.....But she did change me forever and like you, I recall the trauma of hearing the fate and the diagnosis my precious perfect baby was given....I would love to invite you to visit our website too at www.stephanieazri.com . I wanted to say that although i tried really hard not too ;) I did cry when reading your story. As a clinical social worker working in special care nursery, I am so familiar with stories like your and it surely touched me....Feel free to drop me a line anytime....Also we run a facebook group under "prenatal diagnosis support" which you may want to join to support other mums who receive prenatal diagnoses. Well done on the site, movies and story. You are an inspiration xxx SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 06:27 AM
Hi McClintic family and Happy Birthday to Maddie. It is hard to believe our precious daughter is now about to be 28. Jordan has a full life. She does so many activities. Her murmur was hidden and treated with surgery at 3 years old. We were also told of many things that she would not be able to do. We did not do a video in 1986 because YouTube was not around. Maddie is in great company with a lot of wonderful people to share her journey with her.
Jordan is also amazing. She is a cheerleader, rides horses & enjoys special olympics. She dances, does power yoga, learned to play the piano and played a baritone for band. She swims and enjoys many, many other activities. She has been to lots of birthday parties and was a bridesmaid in her brother's and another friend's wedding. We pray for your family and encourage you to continue to share your message. Love, Lisa Hunt SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 04:39 PM
I am the uncle of a 17 month old boy named Cole Stewart. Cole has Down Syndrome. The out pouring of love and support for "The Wee Man" from friends, family, and complete strangers has been, well, hard to measure in words. I hope your daughter receives the same love and support. I hope together we change some perceptions. SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 06:46 PM
Maddie, you are an inspiration and a true beauty, inside and out. The world is a better place for having miracles like you in it. No matter what obstacles you face, please never give up on your dreams. I know you will continue to defy odds and succeed no matter what challenges you may face.
Wishing you a lifetime of health and blissful happiness,
Your Fan Meagan SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 08:29 PM
Hey Maddie,
Welcome to the world...I have that something extra as well...I have taught my family so much and I know you will do/and have already done the same. My mum posted your wonderful utube video on her facebook...because she knows how important it is!!!! and me too as my family protects my dignity every day i live (and have survived)....
I live in Utah and I so hope we can be pals some how...
xo Lottie and her family.... SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 09:49 PM
What a beautiful and inspiring family you are! Maddie you are one cute little girl!!! I'm majoring in early childhood education & special education at the University of Delaware and I shared your site with several professors and classmates. Everyone falls in love with you all immediately. You have touched my heart forever and your message is so powerful. Maddie I have no doubt all of your dreams will come true...especially with such incredible parents at your side. SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2012 - 11:43 PM
Miss Maddox you are truely an inspiration! You're a beautiful young lady and I would be honored to know you and call you a friend. I do believe you will change the world because your impact on me was tremendous. You will meet many uneducated individuals along the way and it won't always be easy. Just remember you have many who love you and admire you for the amazing young lady you are. Keep smiling! MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2012 - 08:44 AM
Hi Maddox,
You are just about the same age as my granddaughter Harper. Her Nana and I are lucky enough to live right next door to her, so we get a chance to see her almost every day. The one thing about Harper that I have had the good fortune to witness for myself is just how hard she is willing to work to accomplish things. And your mom made the same comment about you. Thank you both for sharing that little piece of your lives with the rest of us. MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2012 - 05:00 PM
Hi there,
I'm really not someone who posts on-line -- this is my first time -- but I read through some of your blog and wanted to honor your request for signing the "guest book." My little Sean-Sean (with DS) is 3 and we were just blessed with a second little guy in October, so I feel like we have traveled similar paths. We had a long long road to both pregnancies (infertility problems and all the rest), so are very grateful to have the family we have. Still, it took us a very long time to come to terms with Sean's diagnosis, esp. after all the miscarriages/other difficulties preceding his birth, and I wanted to comment on your "new mommy" article. It is a very personal, complicated journey, and I know I said and felt things that I wish I hadn't had to feel or to say as my husband and I were struggling with this new reality, but I think you put it well (much better than I could have managed) -- essentially everyone has to get there in their own time and way, but you will get there. I know exactly how long it took for Sean to smile because it seemed like forever (4 months), but he has hardly stopped smiling since. Sean is as delightful and beautiful and sweet and smart as Maddox must be -- signing and walking and talking more and more each day. I have no idea what his future holds and of course worry about whether we are doing enough or the right things, but so far he has been his own best advocate and charmed those who are working with him. We will just keep pushing forward and see where he takes us. I am grateful that other people are willing and able to be as proactive as you are about educating others and sharing their story so that the world may be a little more welcoming for everyone -- sometimes I think about doing more but then it may turn out that all I can manage in a given day is just the basics of caring for my two guys (and maybe a bit of time for my husband or myself if I'm really lucky)! So thanks to you and to Maddox for putting yourselves out there and best wishes for her and all of your futures,
Kelly from Oklahoma City MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2012 - 06:31 PM
Maddox & her loving, amazing family,
A friend of mine posted your youtube video on her Facebook. I smiled, I cried and I easily fell in love with you, gorgeous little girl. You are truly an inspiration to everyone and if only we could all be as vivacious, as dedicated and as "smart a cookie" as you. Everyone on this earth has a purpose - whether it is to teach a lesson, inspire a smile or to be something great - and you, little beauty, are one of the few that do all those things. You should be very proud of your mom & dad too because not only are they helping you grow up to be a superhero, they are preparing the world for the little girl who won't take no for an answer! Just to show you how far your story has gotten, I am all the way up in Canada! Someday you'll know exactly where that is and maybe even come visit your great neighbour to the North. Until then I wish you all the health, laughter and love in the world :)
Thanks for being inspirational, adorable, you
Breanne Buchanan
Ottawa, ON, Canada MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2012 - 07:09 PM
McClintic family,
Your website has become a daily place for my husband and I to turn when we need reminded that we can do this. I feel like you are our cheerleaders and advisor's on this mysterious journey towards parenting a baby with Down's. I'm so thankful for your honesty. It makes me feel that it's ok to have the feelings and emotions that are truly a rollercoaster, and you remind me that I am not the only rider on this rollercoaster. I so admire you! I aspire to be a mom like you, and to thank you everyday for what you have already done would never be enough. Keep up the good work. We need you out here!
MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2012 - 08:41 PM
Beautiful family. We're rooting for you Maddie! xxoo TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012 - 12:04 AM
Maddie, I was born different too. My arms look funny so I was callled a lot of names when I was a child. But I grew up to be a good person with a husband, an education, a job and a life. My mom was very much like your mom, and she told me the things your mom said on the cards in your video. Oftentimes, people would ask her why she bothered with me so much. My mom said I had a purpose: it was to teach others compassion. I had plenty of time to do that over the past seven years. You see, my mom got sick and she lost her ability to talk, walk, cook or do anything. She lost all her friends because she couldn't do anything. In the end, the only person there for her was my Dad and myself. Maybe your mom and dad worry about your future. They don't realize that in 40 years, you may be the only person there for them, like they are there for you now. Because I was so used to doing things differently, I was one of the few people who could stand to be there for my mom. Maddie, grow up and learn to be a strong person. Your family, your school and your friends will need you to be the best person you can be. Take care, and live well. TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012 - 09:55 AM
Dear Maddox and family...your incredibly inspirational video is circulating far and wide across Canada. Your message is powerful and very, very important for everyone to see! How can we ever thank you enough!
In addition to sharing your video with families, we want to use your video in schools and to inspire direct support professionals who work everyday to ensure that ALL people are fully included in our community.
I know many people who want to send your family a note...so, I will pass along your website information.
For me...I will keep your video very close and watch it often....I cannot thank you enough for sharing. TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012 - 12:56 PM
Thank you for sharing Maddie`s story!!
My favorite uncle has Down Syndrome (he lives in Brazil and is going to be 46 years-old next month). Uncle Márcio is a gift from God! Our family would`t be the same without him.
My husband and I always dreamed of adopting a child with Down. I can`t wait to finish medical school to enable our dream to come true.
Down Syndrome is definitely misunderstood...Mattie and Uncle Márcio remind us life is so much more! They teach us more than we could ever teach them. Thank you for beating the odds, Mattie! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2012 - 08:04 AM
Saw the video of you and Maddox yesterday on Facebook. Our little girl is three and has Down Syndrome. Been working hard on advocacy in our neck of the woods. So great to see others getting the message out. Emi amazes me every day and has taught me more than I can put into words. I identify with what you said about needing Maddox. Funny how you don`t know what you need until it is staring you in face.
Wanted to share a project I have been working on. I am trying to get Emi on the Ellen Degeneres Show. We have been working on this for about a year. I send regular emails and letters. We started a Facebook group and event for Emi. It all started because I had this idea that people did not think about children like Emi when they heard the term ``Down Syndrome``. I watched a lot of Ellen when Emi was small and nursing often. I had this idea we could reach so many people and share how wonderful life has been with Emi. I know people would be surprised to see what an incredible little girl she is.
Thank you for taking the time to educate and share. Maddox is beautiful and your video impactful.
Wishing you and your family the best,
Jennifer Mooradian WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2012 - 01:27 PM
My 2 year old, Cooper, says your Maddox is "cute" and his friend. He waved to her while he watched the video. Darling. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2012 - 04:12 PM
To Scott, Jamie, and Maddox:
I have spent the past 2 hours perusing your website. Someone shared it on our company's facebook page, and I promptly followed through on your family web page. I have cried, laughed, smiled, and shed tears again. Your story is so heartwarming, I have a special reason why I am touched. I work for a small company (www.adaptivemall.com) where we make sitters and accessories for children with special needs, and we sell a lot of other equipment also. Anytime I see peoples' stories, it certainly touches a part of my heart. It makes my job a little nicer every day to know that what we do helps others to enjoy life too.
Maddox, I "double down" on the hope your journey continues for a long, long time, and you grow into a beautiful young woman!!! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2012 - 09:37 PM
How delightful! My older sister's college roommate raised a Down's Syndrome daughter, Becky. Becky had a type of Down's called "mosaic Down's." Despite dire predictions, Becky grew up and went to Elmhurst College and became a teacher of young children (I think kindergarten; maybe preschool). Becky is also now married. Would you like me to ask my sister for Bonnie & Don Cowie's address? Last I knew they lived in Michigan. Becky's married name is Mrs. Joseph Mulholland, married in 1999. My name is Lisa Boyes, P.O. Box 511, Grinnell, IA 50112, phone (641)-236-6620. Keep the faith! Having parents w/a great + attitude definitely helped Becky! THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2012 - 06:14 PM
Lisa Boyes, yes I would like to get in touch! Do you have an email? THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2012 - 08:06 PM
A family member sent me your You Tube video on Facebook. It is very touching and all too true. My little guy turned two in September. He just watched the video with me, then waved and said "bye" to Maddox at the end. When they turn 18, we'll have to get them together!
Enjoy your lovely family! FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2012 - 09:20 PM
I loved your website!!! you really did an excellent job. My son is 13 months and just like Maddie, has beaten the odds too. I would love to talk to you, I am my son biggest advocate too. I believe the Lord put your video through my path so that somethig extraordinary could happen. I want to help stop the hurtful words and teach the world that Trisomy 21 does not mean that life is over, it means Life is just beginning for an angel...I do not care what doctors say, with faith and love, our children can prevail. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 2012 - 01:23 AM
Hi little Maddox and your wonderful family! I have watched your video multiple times over the last two days..and posted on my FB page too. I love it! What a happy face you have...you are a sweetie....for sure! Thank you for making me smile and warming my heart!! SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2012 - 12:02 AM
Thank you for sharing the beautiful story of Maddie. My brother, Larry, also defeated all odds against him - he lived a glorious life of 59 years, surrounded by love. He was a source of joy and inspiration. May you continue to flourish and inspire others! SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2012 - 05:47 PM
Keep your faith and the sky is the limit! My 41 year old sister, Jennifer, has Downs syndrome and was just visiting us from out of town. She road the bus by herself for 2 hours, played on her iPad, and texted her friends the whole way. I'm sure she met a few people too!! We LOVE her visits; she always makes us laugh! She graduated from high school, went to the prom, has a part time job, and volunteers with too many organizations to count! She has inspired all of us to be accepting of EVERONE'S differences.
We wish all the same for Maddox and BET she will be all that she can be!! SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2012 - 07:49 PM
Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter, your heart and soul! I saw your youtube video the other day and have watched a dozen times. I posted it on my facebook page and I think its gone viral! :) You captured so much in that video that it drew me to click on your family link. What a beautiful life and family you have made for yourself on the "path less traveled". Your blog was the first time I have read that poem. I liked that too, thank you! As a mother of a son with down syndrome I did find the "Welcome to Holland" inspirational. Since the day I read the poem 15 years ago its been my favorite and of course my favorite flower is tulips. And yes, you "bet" that going to Holland is on my bucket list. I wouldn't be the person I am today had I stewed over not going to Italy. I would have been in that perfect group of mothers that think they are the lucky ones. I was diagnosed at 16 weeks and I cried the rest of my pregnancy and asked God "why" why me? I did all the right things your supposed to do while your pregnant. I read the book what to expect while your expecting, was a good person why was I this unlucky? But, the moment Joseph was born and they put him on my stomach I started to cry and asked God why, why me how did I get so LUCKY? What did I do to deserve this most precious gift? Thank you God for trusting me and knowing that this would change my life in a indescribable way. My cup runnith over! TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2012 - 04:19 AM
Dear Maddox's Mom,
My daughter sent me your YouTube video...she knew it would touch me because I am a Mom and a pediatric physical therapist. The kids that really grab my heart are nonverbal, and many of them are unable to get around independently. What touches me is the spirit within; I see it in their eyes and in their determination.
Maddox is absolutely adorable; her spirit soars in the video! The written words and the presentation of the message are profound. But surprisingly, I could not take my eyes off of you, Mom. As a pediatric therapist, I do not work with a patient; I work with a family. I have been so deeply touched by many children and just as deeply touched by their parents.
In your eyes, I see deep conviction, determination, strength, passionate love. But what really grabbed me was an incredible sense of "serenity". I am not sure that is the right word (when is parenting ever described as "serene"), but it is the one that comes to mind. There is a calmness and acceptance. I know that some (many) days can be really hard and that the challenges can feel frustrating and unfair, so my words may not match what you feel. But there is no denying your spiritual strength.
Maddox is a very blessed child to have such a special Mom. Her spirit is buoyed by yours. Many of the special parents I work with shrug it off when I let them know that they are amazing. They are just doing what they are supposed to do. That's what we do as parents. The ones who amaze me the most are the ones with the gentle strength I see in you. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 - 09:40 AM
Hi Jamie
I tried reaching you through your YouTube video, so I thought I would try and reach you here as well. Maddox's story is absolutely amazing! I came across your video while doing research on a show I'm producing. I would love to talk more about it with you to see if you and Maddox would be interested in being involved. Thanks!
Jen [email protected] THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 - 03:21 PM
Just watched your video and it is absolutely brilliant. We have a 3 year old little angel called Ruby who has an older sister and younger brother. Ruby was born undiagnosed downers syndrome. She has and always will be loved like a princess just like your little girl. She has more friends than mummy and daddy put together and a very large family that love her to bits. We was worried at first how life would pan out, people said oh she'll bring you a lot of love and we thought yeah youre just saying that lol....but she really does. We love her to bits xxxxx Darren &Tara Bowers, Essex UK. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 - 04:27 PM
Hiya, sorry in our last message it reads downers syndrome, god we feel awful, I'm using an iPad and I think it corrected downes with downers. My wife has slapped me hard, apologies, I never would have said that. Loved the video, Darren & Tara Essex UK THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 - 04:33 PM
[email protected] & [email protected]
Darren & Tara in Essex UK THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2012 - 04:35 PM
I love your website Maddie.
I work with young people who were also born with Down Syndrome. They inspire me everyday. I know you will achieve many things.Love to you and your fabulous family Maddie xxxx SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 2012 - 02:06 PM
I love your website Maddie.
I work with young people who were also born with Down Syndrome. They inspire me everyday. I know you will achieve many things.Love to you and your fabulous family Maddie xxxx SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 2012 - 02:06 PM
Dear jamie & maddox, you have forever changed my life. You inspire me to be a better mommy and to appreciate my family. I wish you all the love & happiness now and forever!
Hilda : ) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2012 - 10:05 PM
I saw your video and had to find out more. About eight months ago we had or own little miracle. We had no idea that he would have down syndrome and I found out when I was taken upstairs to our room. I asked my husband how he was doing and he said he was fine but the doctor thinks he has down syndrome. What was terrible was she said one sentence and left. No comfort no information just left. I asked for information from a nurse, and I got a sheet that would scare a mother to death. It had all the worst information like heart defects and muscle control problems. The list went on and on. Once I got home I had to ask all the questions I could. I found out everything your video has and more. This is why it is so important we tell the world they are no different. I have two other kids who have so much in common with him. I just wanted to personally thank you. Everyone should get involved to make it a better place for all of our children. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 - 05:26 PM
Wow your story of your amazing little girl has touched me so much. It seems that there is no limit to what Maddie can achieve - you go girl!! Thank you for sharing your family stories - you are just amazing. Love to you all xxx
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2012 - 12:32 AM
Hi Maddie and family -
I found this blog through
I am a Special Educator in South Dakota. I've grown up babysitting children with DS and have a 6th grader with it in one of the classes I teach. I've always had an appreciation for children with disabilities and will go to every length to keep the "R" word out of people's "lingo". Your video was amazing and I plan to share it with more educators, students, parents, etc. What a great way to inform our society of the beauty all children posess! Thank you for taking the time to share this incredible video and your personal lives with us. You have an amazing family. Maddox is such a lucky little girl...and you are some of the luckiest parents in the world, too. :) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2012 - 04:51 PM
Found your wonderful page after a friend sharing the gambling problem video on Facebook. Thank you for sharing your journey. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2012 - 03:45 AM
Hi Maddie. My name is Chase and I also have Down Syndrome. My mom and I love your website, thank you for sharing with everyone the love and honor that we add to the world!! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2012 - 10:26 PM
Your entire family is already making a difference in changing the world in this respect. You are fantastic parents with a challenging, yet rewarding journey each day. You have a beautiful daughter who is benefitting greatly from your love and support. God bless you through all the times ahead.
A loving mom from Illinois. SUNDAY, MARCH 4, 2012 - 10:24 PM
HI Maddox!
You are a real inspiration, You are so clever and talented already at just 2!
My older brother has downs and I thought I knew a bit about it, but you and the website your mum made have taught me that there is more than one form of downs! Look at you go, I'm in uni studying pre-med and you have taught me something medical at two years old! See how clever you are!
Continue to shine little lady! My brother means the world to me and I couldn't imagine a life without him just the way he is.
To your mum, Bradley is 31 and a happy, high-functioning adult. He may struggle with a few things that "normal" adults don't, but he is also a lot better at some things than others. He also has a relationship with a lovely lady that he met through his social group. She does have a disability, but he doesn't see that as all that different so it's not a problem to him. I can't imagine the loss you felt, but continue to keep your head up. Maddox will shock you with the things she achieves. Don't lose sight of her attending prom with a lovely fellow etc as it just may happen :)
Maddox, you are a precious gift that the world is blessed to have. Take care all four of you!
Lots of love from Australia SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2012 - 06:21 AM
What a beautiful story and I am blessed for reading it. Thank you for pouring out your soul. I love that you found purpose in your life and Madox's life. When God gives you lemons you make lemonade. You my dear, have made a lemon masterpiece that the top chefs in the world couldn't come close to making. Keep making the world better day by day. You are an inspiration. SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 2012 - 08:19 AM
Thank you for sharing your story with the world! Maddox has people all over rooting for her daily! MONDAY, MARCH 19, 2012 - 01:33 PM
This is an absolutely beautiful website. I came across it after a friend shared a youtube video of Maddox sharing cue cards discussing her 'gambling issue'. I was immediately captivated by her beautiful eyes and contagious smile. As I watched, I found myself silently rooting and praying for your entire beautiful family. You have all shown an amazing amount of courage, strength, and perseverance that is awe-inspiring to many others. Keep it up! You're doing amazing as parents and supporters. Maddox, you're a wonderful reason to continue smiling and in proving your abilities, you give others strength! Thank you for allowing us to share with you. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2012 - 12:50 AM