Scott and I play on the same team and it is our time, nothing else exists. I get to play a game of ball with my best friend and husband, kick some dirt at each other and have sunflower spitting contests. Yes, I really missed playing last year.
Needless to say, I am a little rusty all the while carrying 5 extra pounds of milk in areas that used to be secure makes things a little tricky, but I did manage a double play during our first game!
We have been fortunate to have friends that stand in line for a chance to babysit while Scott and I enjoy ‘our’ time together. We are very blessed, thank you for helping make this happen.
After the game, we went to the little family restaurant in Hubbard Lake. Maddox slept while we ordered, slept while we waited for our order, and WOKE UP when the food came! Let the joys of eating one handed begin!
Also, today Maddox got her very bad first sunburn. I guess I was not ready for the nice weather to come so soon! I went and bought my first of many bottles of sunscreen because poor Maddox was blessed to have her mama’s pale white (waiting to be burnt) complexion!
One more thing happened today that I think is quite funny. There was an incident that irritated me so I stated my opinion about it. My good friend (who gets my sometimes sarcastic ways) says, “I AM GLAD YOU’RE BACK, I MISSED YOU, YOU HAVE BEEN GONE SINCE NOVEMBER!”
The moral of today, I would have to say....Is that things, including myself, are finally returning a little bit back towards normal.