She always had a quote or saying that was just fitting for every moment.
For example, in middle school, I tried out for the basketball team. The coach couldn’t decide between another girl and I so we went to the team practices for one long tiring week before a decision would be made. On Friday at 5:00 PM he called me into his office. Unfortunately, the coach picked the other gal, not me. My mom was the one waiting at the school to pick me up after that meeting. She didn't know the outcome, she couldn't prepare her speech but the minute the car door shut, she knew which way the tide had turned. Mom knew exactly what I needed. Time. She drove me around town and let me cry it out. When I didn't have any more tears to drop, she parked the car and gave me my pep talk. A talk that would ring in my ears for years to come. When I felt like a failure, her words would remind me to never give up and that my dreams were worth fighting for. And yes there came a time when I did make the cut. Mom was right.
I scrolled across a photo that was taken when my best friend and I split our ways to attend college. It was a sad day for me because deep down, I knew our lives would never be the same. After spending the last four years, every single day, with someone, you tend to go through a little mourning process. After saying our final goodbyes I cried in my mom's arms. Yet when I was done, she knew exactly what to say. Dust yourself off, there will be changes in life, some good and some bad but making the most of them all is a must. There will be good things waiting, you might not see them if your sulk, and know that your friendship will always be deeply etched in your heart.
Life keeps rolling along, and yet mom is always there for me. She listens patiently as I tell her my fears and she celebrates each victory with me. She taught me that love is a powerful thing. For my wedding, my mom was my rock making sure I was nothing less than a princess. She came to my shower, rehearsal, and wedding day with one message.
Family is the most powerful thing you will ever experience. The love that Scott and I will experience will grow to be stronger than any bond. (Little did I know just how difficult our test would be.)
After the shower we went to our hotel and ordered room service. We stayed awake into the late hours of the night while Maddox hiccuped away in my belly.
For Maddox’s first birthday party, she did her best to mask (literally) the pain I was in. For her efforts, I am eternally grateful.
I found a photo of when I was in labor with MacGregor. She knew I was so scared of what the future held and that my post traumatic experiences from giving birth to Maddox lingered dear to my heart. She couldn't make the trip in person to comfort me, but once again found a way even with the miles in between us to help me in my time of need.
But on the day of my 5th bittersweet Mother’s Day, I felt it was only appropriate to share just how much my mom means to me. She was there to hold me at the lowest point in my life.
Family is important, good things are waiting, and never give up.
Thanks mom, for everything you have taught me and for being there to hold my hand every step of the way.