In case you are wondering this is a photo of the dogs polishing off Maddox’s birthday cake. It was the only random photo to go with random thoughts.
I have the most incredible and dedicated babysitter ever. She helps me get Maddox to all of her appointments. I wish I had a million dollars because she deserves every penny.
This is Maddox’s schedule for January.
My baby girl works harder than you or I.....
To be honest, it has been a rough few weeks. I thought I was good because I made it to Maddox’s first birthday. What I never knew would sting as bad as it does is watching all of her friends turn one too. I look at photos and can’t appreciate them as I should. Instead I find myself analyzing each one, what types of gifts did they get, are they walking, how well they did opening the gifts, did they know what to do with the cake, etc... In one photo, I saw the gift of goldfish crackers. My heart sunk, Maddox has the start of one tooth and still primarily eats baby food. This is when the reality sinks in.
I can’t help but be sad and wonder what my life would be like if I had a real one year old walking around, saying mama, eating yummy toddler snacks. (And yes I know all my friends will yell at me for that comment, but it’s the truth, I wonder this all the time.)
On the other hand, in times like this, I have to force myself to think of the good.
I recently assessed Maddox and she has met almost every milestone in the 9 month age range. Motor is her weakest area and social is her highest area. This past week some new things emerged.
Maddox can drink from a straw.
Her first tooth is popping through.
Maddox ate her first mushy toddler raviolis and peas.
She can go from laying on her back into sitting independently.
Say bah bah, la la, mmm, and dada.
She can walk with you when you hold her hands.
She can give you an object if you ask her for it.
Some things that are almost mastered:
If you give her a hairbrush or toothbrush, she almost knows what to do with it.
She is working on the sign for milk, dog, and book.
She is days away from crawling.
Starting to play in kneeling.
Working on pulling herself to stand.
Life is not a race, but a reveling journey of wonder. It’s as if a miracle unfolds each morning, opening itself to each of us to see, to touch, and to learn. Maddox is no different, nor is she bound by comparisons, that can speed life up to a pace that blinds us to the beauty that surrounds all of us. Watching her learn makes me appreciate the miracle of life more and more every day. Thank you Maddie!
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2011 - 09:45 PM
My son didn't have any teeth untill he was 16 months old and my daughter was 14 months old...they gummed everything they had to eat untill it was soft enough to swallow...So Maddox beat my "normal" kids at this development! I am enjoying reading your blog and just want to say that Maddox is such a cutie!
THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 2012 - 08:15 AM