It only made sense to throw her an animal party.
So here we are in Nebraska and Old MacDonald it is, perfect and appropriate. I think the hardest decision of the day was who was going to play the role of Old MacDonald....Pop Pop or Daddy?
Maddox takes after her mommy, she loves parties and gifts...The photos show it all. She gets this party thing, I mean she really gets it.
And then there was the cake. Another mommy milestone. I didn’t know if she was going to choke, how big of bites to let her take, if she would puke it all up later. So many thoughts running through my head and in order to cope I needed to let go of all my anxiety and did so my putting Maddox in charge. She could decide how big of bites, when to stop eating, and if she needed a drink. I held my breath, put cardboard under the chair, took off her outfit, and let her have at it as I stood back watching like a proud mommy.
No choking, no puking, went off without a glitch.
A family photo with animal noses = Cute
The look on Maddox’s face when she looks up at her daddy duck = PRICELESS
Remember my pups dressed as princess’s during my birthday party? They were not let off the hook this time either. Is it legal to dress an animal as an animal?
I revisited a very important lesson today. I am never too old to have fun. I have to make the most of
this short time on earth. Thank you mom and dad for teaching me how and continuing to remind me that the goal in this life truly live, laugh, and love.
I always knew your parents were party animals!!! LOL!!!!!
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2010 - 09:44 PM
Looks like Maddie took care of that cake like a pro! Happy 1st Birthday Maddox!
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2010 - 10:05 PM