This is my first attempt at making a movie on the computer. I taught myself everything. First I edited video footage of the hour long baptism, inserted photos, titles, and then threw in some music. I guess when you have 16 hours in a car driving from Nebraska to Michigan, I have to do something to keep my mind entertained (as if the baby, two dogs, and husband were not enough).
For all you Orthodox folk, you will be proud....I have edited the hour long baptism ceremony down to 37 minutes!
For those not interested in watching the entire ceremony at least check out the first 60 seconds and the last 60 seconds of the video, I am pretty proud of the effects (especially the fairy dust on the last slide)!
Prayer of Reception - The Orthodox Rite of Baptism begins in the back of the church. The priest lays his hand upon and prays for the one to be baptized by name.
Exorcism - The priest prays over the one preparing for Baptism.
Procession - The priest and baptismal party process from the rear to the center of the church symbolizing leaving behind the world and entering into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Giving of the Candles - By unity with His LIfe, the Christian’s life is healed.
Litany - In preparation for the Baptism, the priest and all the people pray for peace for the world, our civil and spiritual authorities, and all those gathered together for the Baptism.
Prayers over the Baptismal Water - The priest blesses the baptismal water.
Anointing with Oil - Oil has long been used as a healing agent. The one about to be baptized is being prepared for the most serious contest of all - the Christian struggle against sin, death, and the devil.
Triple Immersion - Going under water is death, coming out of the water is resurrection. The life into which one is born in Baptism is none other than the Life of the Holy Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (MADDOX WAS IMMERSED ONCE, SHE STIFFENED HER LEGS AND WOULD NOT LET FATHER DUNK HER AGAIN SO HE HAD TO DUMP WATER ON HER HEAD, THIS IS SO CUTE, CHECK IT OUT.)
Chrismation - The new Christian is sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit by anointing with special oil. (THERE IS A GREAT PHOTO OF MADDOX DURING THIS PART)
Washing off of the Chrism - Prayers are read over the new Christian asking for God’s help in the preservation of the Grace received at Baptism. The Chrism is then washed off. (MADDOX IS NOT TOO HAPPY AT THIS POINT)
The Cutting of the Hair - The hair is cut in the form of a cross. This is the first offering of the newly baptized to God and is a literal offering of herself. (MADDOX IS REALLY WANTING HER NAP. I MAY HAVE TO HOLD OFF ON HER PNY TAILS FOR A WHILE, FATHER TOOK THE FEW STRANDS I NEEDED).
Procession around the Font - The priest, newly baptized, and Godparents process around the baptismal font three times. This movement is circular - a circle that has a beginning but no end and conveys uniting with Christ for eternity.
Readings from the Holy Scripture - Readings emphasize that what has just taken place is in obedience to the word of Christ and in accordance with the teaching of the Apostles.
Baptismal Garment - The newly baptized is clothed in a new garment symbolizing the robe of righteousness and visibly expresses the purity of the new life given in Christ and washing away of all sin. (SHE IS BEAUTIFUL IN HER DRESS. MORE PHOTOS TO COME)
****VIDEO HERE****