Friday Night Downtown
Lovin’ the bubbles
Maddox loved her new toys so much that when it was time to get out, this is the face she gave me.
Ok, so that is what I would like to think. Actually, the chewing mommy out face is because this ordeal took me too long, it was hot out, her diaper was full, she was hungry, and she totally did not want her picture taken!
Scott came home from work and with a little bit of begging and pleading I convinced him to take us to Friday Night Downtown. Lots of people, loud bands, and unsupervised kids....Totally not my husbands idea of a fun time but he said yes. He REALLY loves me.
Maddox saw lots of her friends there and is starting to recognize them.
Maddox was fascinated by the balloon butterfly!
She also enjoyed blowing bubbles.
Our favorite part of the night was dancing in the graffiti streets!!
And when the night was done, Maddox curled up in daddy’s arms.
Ok, so my near perfect day looks perfect on paper and in the photos right? Almost...
I had one ‘moment’ where I do the usual (squeeze Scott’s arm, shake at the knees a little, then take a deep breath). That ‘moment’ was when I absorbed the Friday Night Downtown scene. All these parents with thier children. I saw grandparents carrying newborns, teenage siblings helping their little brothers and sisters with the games, moms pushing strollers, and dads with their kids on shoulders, it was all around me. Perfect, smart, healthy kids with happy parents.
i had a ‘seriously’ I followed every single possible rule of pregnancy moment. A ‘why me’ moment which I had not really had before. I had dreamt of taking my new baby to Friday Night Downtown events but I never dreamt that I would barely be able to breathe my way through it.
The good news though, there is always good news. My philosophy is, if you don’t dig deep and find the good in things, you will never make it in this life. So, with the bad, I also have to tell the good.
After I squeezed Scott’s arm, shook it off, took my deep breath I said to myself, “I have a job to do.” That job was to make sure Maddox experienced everything there was to experience at this Friday Night Downtown event. This meant she needed to be given the opportunity to color the sidewalk with chalk, get her face painted (we tried but the line was too long), blow bubbles, play games, hang out with her friends, and dance in the street.
And with that mission on my mind, I forgot about the “rest of the stuff.”
Sounds like a wonderful day!!
TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2010 - 08:13 PM