When I decided for the first time to hit the publish button for my blog, I made a promise.
I promised that I would keep this blog real. What I meant was that I would try my hardest to enjoy every storm that drenches me before each rainbow, but I also would not try to paint sunshines and flowers when they should not be painted. So here it is, again, my truthful story.
I didn’t just have a very bad day, I had a no good, very bad day. The good news I don’t have too many no good, very bad days and if I can get through the year keeping these days to a minimum, I will consider this a huge accomplishment.
The day started with me putting on my workout clothes at 7 AM and grossly enough, they did not come off until 10 PM. My no good, very bad day consisted of three trips to town, a nerve wracking mommy and me boot camp, my 8th trip to the vet in a month (sugar coated with a ginormous vet bill), a birthday party I almost did not make it to, and a baby who discovered that car seat restraints are not cool anymore.
Here is the play by play (because there are some good things that did come out of today).
Maddox decided she needed to start the day off with a photo shoot of her in her workout outfit.
Ouch, what an amazing dose of reality. Everyone should have a friend like this. So, with an enormous amount of anxiety and apprehensiveness, I headed to mommy and me boot camp, not really sure who this experience was for, Maddox or for me?
Oh my, the first 30 minutes of the class I had to dig deep, really deep to the core of my being and find my inner strength. I dug so deep it hurt. All these moms arrived with their normal, healthy, smiling, smart, beautiful, mini me’s. Keep digging, I am at 45 feet.
I listened quietly as the mom’s talked about sleeping habits, behaviors, and other sorts of concerns they are having with their precious bundles. All I could think of was, even if you combined every one of those complaints into a single normal healthy child, I would welcome them with open arms. Be blessed for what you have, behaviors, midnight eaters, and all. Keep digging, I am at 75 feet.
We had to do introductions and tell each other why we were here. Again, I wondered, why am I here? I am at my pre baby weight, I exercise with my dogs, I am in good shape, etc..... Keep digging, only this time, I have struck gold at 100 feet.

I looked at the group and told them the truth. “I am here because I need to get out of the house.” The true meaning and gain from this experience is yet to be learned.
After introductions we went outside to exercise. Now that I had found my strength, I could cope. I was able to talk to some of the other moms and find out more about them. Turns out, these are amazingly strong people, both emotionally and physically. Check us hot mommies out!

Maddox’s feet must have been really stinky because before we knew it, we had another sick and sad dog on our hands. I had been home all of 15 minutes....
This next photo just melts my heart. It is 80 degrees outside, Scott, Daisy, and Maddox are sitting in the back of the car waiting to get in and see the vet.
After the vet appointment, Scott and I drove home, dropped Daisy off and drove back to town for the third time to catch a birthday party. By the way, as I mentioned earlier, Maddox decided today that she despises car seats and thinks they should be considered an illegal restraint. Every single time she was placed in the car seat she screamed, no tears, just decided to chew her parents out all the way to and from town. That is 6 trips at 23 minutes long. 138 minutes of yelling today from Mad Maddie.
I think, to repay Scott and I for the misery (of the car seat) we inflicted on Maddox, she decided to stay up and continue to yell at us until 10:30 PM.
Yep, the perfect end to the no good, very bad day.
The good news is that I am off to bed and tomorrow will be a new and much better day (especially because we don’t have to go in a car......ANYWHERE)!
I'm am so incredibly proud of you for doing this boot camp...and my prayer for you is that the last day is a complete 180 from the first day for you. You are an amazing woman and mother!
MONDAY, JUNE 21, 2010 - 08:44 AM
Boot camp for some may be getting in physical shape and for some may be emotional shape. Maddie has so much love that other babies may not have - she is probably teaching them how to store it all up!
You will have to try singing at the top of your lungs when she is screaming in the car. Keep going - you are doing great!
MONDAY, JUNE 21, 2010 - 09:45 PM
I think Maddie is beautiful. She will have so many special talents...it looks like she already does! I think you are a wonderful Mommy and I love reading your blog. I think of you often and wonder how you are doing. I"m glad that you have this page! I'll check it often!!
Take care of you and your beautiful famliy!
MONDAY, JUNE 21, 2010 - 10:09 PM
Okay...yes the car stinks for kids who hate their car seats. And MOST of them do, both mine do for sure. Bob and I have a whole slew of songs we have to sing to make our car rides bearable and we just take turns....I promise it works! This Old Man, the Farmer in the Dell, Old MacDonald....you know the rest:)
TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2010 - 02:28 PM
Oh, the car complaints. We had to play Ally a CD -- don't remember the name of the song (Josh will) but it had to do with a chicken and how on earth I could have forgotten that song, hearing it day-in, day-out, I'll never know.
Oh, yeah. The same way we forget all the silly stuff kids do to us, so we'll keep on lovin' em. Not sure that ever goes away (right Sito and Pop-Pop?).
TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2010 - 03:20 PM
I just want you to know that rather Maddox had DS or not you would still have no good, bad days. All kids have these days. Actaully, my "normal" kid had more of them then my DS kid. LOL
Sometimes we really are more blessed becuase USUALLY our children are way more laid back and relaxed. Glad to hear you made it thought the work out. These types of "first time worries" I promise you will come to an end. And I think much sooner than you will expect.
TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2010 - 07:23 PM
I love this post Jamie!! So real. Don't you dare believe those ridiculous lies the evil one would love you to embrace. You have the most precious daughter....little Maddie is a perfect creation!! You can rest in and move forward in God's never ending love and acceptance. In the Bible it says God's grace is sufficient for you. Psalm 121 says "I lift up my eyes to the hills ~ where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of the heaven and the earth." It's taken me nearly 60 years to understand that the help is a process, not necessarily instantaneous! Have grace for yourself because God allows you to be weak. God will be glorified. You can rest in his strength. Give that Sweetie a hug from me. I thank God for Maddie and the meaning she will bring to all the lives she touches. Love ya, Deb
TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2010 - 10:03 PM
I love your website and blog. I felt what you are feeling. I remember when our Creighton was little, putting him in front of me on a go cart. My mother said to me, Do you think that little baby really enjoys that? I said he would if he didn't have Down Syndrome! I continued to let him try all things and he loves all things, it just takes longer. She is beautiful and all your photos are just priceless. We hope to get to meet your sweet family.
TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2010 - 11:06 PM