Remember the 80’s anti drug commercial when they fry the egg and use the analogy of “This is your brain on drugs.” That’s my brain, it’s fried. Done. Can’t fill er up anymore. It hurts to think.
Please help me to understand.
I would guess that this list below is twice the size of what the normal parent has to think about. Am I right or wrong?
What goes on in your mind in a day because mine seems to me on overdrive? I want to know if this is a typical or atypical day in your brain? If it is typical, how do you manage?
In 48 hours I had to
Contact the nationally known speech therapist from Rhode Island several times to:
Figure out where she lived
If she billed insurance
What time she could do the evaluation
If she would be willing to drive to meet us halfway between Rhode Island and Philly
Find out how much plane tickets costs from Philly to Rhode Island
Contact the airport to see if I could rent a conference room and how much it would cost
Find a local hotel then....
Contact them to see if I could rent a room and how much it would cost
Check airlines for various prices on tickets to our CHOP appointment
Contact the Insurance Company to make sure all billing codes from CHOP are covered
Contact the schedulers at CHOP to make sure all appointments are on the same day
Look into hotels in Philly while at CHOP, didn’t book yet
Contact the schedulers regarding transportation options in Philly
Find out when our new Health Insurance plan starts
Make sure that only 30 visits are scheduled between August and January or we get stuck with a bill
Call the schedulers to rebook all visits that were not conducted on the same day
Make sure that Maddox’s speech therapy sessions were on the scheduled
Reschedule Maddox’s home therapy sessions due to conflicts
Call Verizon to fix our internet connection
Call Verizon again to get our new modem installed
Book airline tickets home to Nebraska
Call Delta to correct the issue with Sky Miles
Receive confirmation email with additional errors so called Delta AGAIN
Book hotel for our trip to the zoo this weekend
Create a list of items to pack for this weekend
Pick up shower gifts for Saturday
Made sure to book the dogs for the kennel during trip
Remember to give dogs flea medication
Contact support at Unitron to make sure a rep contacts me regarding new hearing aides.
Wrote a report for Medicaid for work
Return equipment to work
Email Apple to continue working on the error with this website
Email Saginaw Valley Statue University to correct issue with their email
Create a list of medical expenses for the year 2011
Get Maddox to all of her outpatient therapy visits
Have the house in order for her home therapy visits
Email the therapist some potential tools
All this is going on in my brain while being expected to find time to do the therapy that clinicians and educators think parents should be responsible for.....
I can’t do it, my head is bursting, I keep telling Scott it really does hurt. He gets it, but not totally gets it because he just (very politely) asked me if I could do his laundry tomorrow.
Dr. Jeckyll became Mr. Hyde.
On top of all this, I just found out that several of my friends that have kids younger than Maddox are starting potty training.
Ohhh, I’d give anything to have peeing in a pot my priority.
As Annie says, “The sun’ll come out tomorrow.”