Good news or bad news first?
Since this is a blog and you will be closing out of it soon, I don’t want you to leave on a sour note so that means I start with the bad and end with the good!
Facebook is bad....
I have contemplated closing my account but then again I would lose so many lifelines. Here’s what gets me. I am in the childbearing stage, yep, all my friends are doing it. Some have children younger, some have children older but everywhere I go on Facebook, I see photos and read status updates about both younger and older kids, all of them doing more than our miss Maddox. It sinks and unfortunately, that experience is only the cake. The icing has a pretty stinky flavor too.
So, here I sit while my daughter is doing less than every kid her age, in fact, less than every kid three months younger than her and come to find out that getting the necessary, adequate, and appropriate help is extremely tough. Let me say, it is stressful enough simply having a child with disabilities and then throw advocacy in with it, life begins to feel like every step is uphill. I am thinking to myself, geesh, enjoy your uphill hike and while you working your butt off all your friends are on the other side of the hill sledding down and having a blast. Nothing against my childbearing friends I am so proud of them, but darn it, I would give anything to be in their place.
Ok, on to the good news. Several months ago I told myself that the day that Scott accepts this, that I would too. I would know he accepts this because he would verbalize that we have an amazing beautiful little girl. The funny thing is, I never told him this.
I just knew I would wait this day out until I heard the comment. I honestly thought it would be years from now, when Maddox did something really big. Then Scott would look at me and say something like, “What were you so worried about, she is amazing.”
I did get that ‘everything’s going to be ok’ moment and way way sooner than I ever expected.
Tonight while I was “advocating” Scott was on the floor playing with Maddox. She looks up at him and smiles.
I hear Scott say, “You know what kid, you sure are pretty cute. We love ya no matter what, yeah we do.”
Is your heart melting? Mine did. It melted faster than a cherry popsicle in July.
And that my friends, is our giant leap for mankind!
I don't know how it's possible, but our love for Maddie grows more and more each day. She stole our hearts the first second we laid our eyes on her. She continues to amaze us with her flashy smile. Anyone who is the recipient of that smile is the lucky one. This baby with Angel eyes is already wise beyond her years. And yes she has already taught us so much with more to come. Yes, We Love You Maddox Lucille.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2010 - 11:22 PM
Jamie, i understand your yearning (sp) to have what your friends have but trust me they are experienceing thier own trials, maybe not the same ones we have to but raising a "normal" child isnt' all down hill sledding and having a blast. I speak from experience haveing one of each. Although i love both of my children equally sometimes raising Cory was and still is easier than raising Emily.
You know how beautiful and precious your sweet little Maddox is, try not to get wrapped up in what she's NOT doing and enjoy what she IS. These years will fly by and you will wish you had them back TRUST ME!! before you know it she will running away from you while you chase her yelling "come back", and she will run faster just because she can. And she will ride a bike maybe not at the same time other kids her age do, but she will do it. Do not lose your faith. God chose you to raise this beautiful daughter becasue he had faith in you and knew you were the special person she needed. Hang in there!!
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2010 - 10:48 PM
I get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2010 - 07:18 PM