You see, three years ago we sat in a hospital room with a little baby. The doc gave us information about how Maddox would have heart surgeries, need glasses and possibly hearing aids. She may have gastrointestinal problems and will definitely be delayed in all areas of development. Yes, all things a new mom doesn't want to hear about their brand new cute baby lotion smelling newborn.
Let me tell you what happened today. I had a one hour conversation with the team from U of M regarding the results of Maddox's neuropsych testing. Lets just say she blew the docs right out of the water. But that's small potatoes compared to what happened next.
Maddox came home this afternoon from a three day vacation with her babysitter. She was exhausted, running on no nap, and had to get up at 7:00 AM for speech therapy tomorrow so I tried to tuck her in early. I gave her a drink of water, kissed her, and said, "I love you."
Without missing a beat Maddox says, "LOVE YOU TOO MUM."
Whaaaat?! Seriously?! Tears to my eyes.
In the background I see Scott smile and hear him proudly say, "Good job honey."
There are two defining verbal moments in this journey so far. One on the night Maddox was born, Scott grabbed my face in the hospital room. He held his forehead against mine and repeatedly said, "I need you. I can't do this alone."
I think back to how low we were that night and to hear Scott three years later witnessing this prized moment right with me is priceless.
Even though some days I don't feel like it, today shows just how far we've come.