Maddox is chillin’ in the camp chair at the traditional McClintic family campout
Scott and I are packed up for our camping trip. We packed suitcases, linens, bathroom stuff, snacks, etc...When we were all done, I looked at him and said, “It feels like we packed for a trip to a hotel, not for camping.
We camped in a decked out cabin with AC, a full bath, a queen bed, beautiful wood floors, a refrigerator/microwave, one hour of free internet (which was like caviar to me) and cable TV! Yep, when we camp, we camp in style! Pretty much when we camp, we take main floor of our house and move it to the woods..... Nonetheless, we had a fantastic time.
Maddox spent the weekend with her cousins, Anna and Emma. Anna watched Maddox’s every move, would tend to her if she cried, or bring her toys if one dropped. Emma is in the Godzilla phase and spent most of her time using Maddox as her personal rock wall. One thing for sure, is that Anna and Emma love Maddox to pieces and it was amazing watching this love develop throughout the weekend. I really can’t wait to watch these three grow up together and spend summer vacations swapping houses with their favorite Aunts!
I do have one comment to share. I had an amazing weekend with family and felt so at ease. I began thinking about why I am able to breathe when my family is around. This is what I could come up with.
I always talk about how Maddox is blessed to have an amazing group of friends but there is one lingering difference between what a good friend can offer and what family can offer. Scott and I talk about this often and the mere thought breaks our hearts. There could come a day when Maddox’s friends just might think it’s cool to not be her friend.
When that day comes, we will do our best.
But, back to being at ease with family. I guess it is because with family we never have to worry about rejection. There is an unconditional love and bond that exists and a peace that lingers when they are around. This is comforting, family is comforting. The rest of the world doesn’t seem to matter. I experience moments, long moments, even hours, where I can breathe again and see glimmers of hope that we can do this. I actually start to smile again, real smiles.
Thank you to our family, both near and far. You are examples of the power behind unconditional love.
Without further ado. Our weekend!
In our decked out cabin, Maddox slept better than sleeping beauty. The fresh air wiped her out and at night we never heard a peep from her. During the day, she loved watching the trees blow in the wind and spent most of the weekend talking to every single camper, squirrel, dog, and chipmunk that walked by.
We spent time at the campground park and went swimming in Higgins Lake. We managed to get in a few games of cribbage. Scott and I were undefeated (thanks to the new cribbage app on my phone which allowed me to practice)!! We really couldn’t have asked for a more perfect weekend.
Scott playing with Maddox and his nieces at the park!
I had not been on a teeter totter in years, this was an absolute blast. I can still remember the song we sang in elementary school, “Farmer farmer let me down. What will you give me Charlie Brown?”
I threw a few ideas out for good ol Charile but he didn’t bite.....
Or was it simply because Charlie ate that second piece of cheesecake!?!?!
I ended up having to recruit Anna to even things out!!
Maddox’s first time in Higgins Lake! She even sunbathed!
Camp weekend was so much fun. Maddox loved being out of the house and seemed to grow up a little more. She is now sitting and can hold herself in the crawling position for about a minute. She knows how to say the sounds nuhnuh, muhmuh, duhduh, buhbuh. And for those arabic speaking folks, she also learned how to say cuddhah!
Enjoy the rest of your summer!