I picked mom up in Flint at 10:30 on a Thursday night. We drove to Ann Arbor and checked into our hotel at midnight because yes....Maddox had more U of M appointments. One with a speech therapist and one with the orthotist. Mom was introduced to hustle and bustle of hospital life and how overwhelming this can be. When Maddox was born, I tried to explain to her just how intense the whole medical experience would be, I think today she realized.....
You can dwell on the fact that you are at the mercy of the schedulers at U of M or you can fill in the gaps between appointments with Babies R Us and lunch at the Olive Garden. Mom, Maddox, and I had the most wonderful girls day out. We raided Babies R Us, check out her new rockstar outfit!
Scott started the day by making a great breakfast. Maddox ate her first plate of scrambled eggs WITH HER FINGERS (Another skill most moms take for granted, but on this day we celebrated for Maddox)!
Mom thought she was done and the surprise was over, but then we also had her makeup done.
Maddox waited so patiently today. She found some friends her size at the salon.
Maddox also spent time admiring herself in the mirror.....Only, she thinks she is hot stuff.
My mom felt like a new woman and again thought her surprise was over but anyone that knows me knows that you can’t get all dressed up and not take a picture!!!

Ok, so maybe he just got done bike riding. Note the shoes, bright shirt, funky hat, helmet, etc...
We did some other fun things this week. The three of us went next door to give Yankee some lovin. Maddox is such an animal lover, we are in trouble. Meet the next horse whisperer.
We also went to the pool. A few months ago, Maddox could care less about Rubber Ducky. It is amazing what a few months can do because boy was I in for a surprise. Maddox now watches that duck and kicks like no tomorrow. Rubber Ducky, you’re the one. I am so so so proud.
******VIDEO HERE******
You have taught me the power and meaning of trust and honesty, picked me up when I crumbled, glued me back together piece by piece, taught me right from wrong, guided me every step of the way, listened when nobody else would, kept all your promises, set me straight when I was lost, and you did this all while passionately and flawlessly loving me. Thank you mom.
As our wonderful week came to a close, mom and I said good bye. As Maddox shows us below...
There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.
****VIDEO HERE****
I forgot to mention while Sito was packing, Maddox decided she wanted to go too!
Maddie's home will always be in my heart. I am so blessed.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2010 - 11:45 PM
It's easy to see why I fell for this woman!
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2010 - 07:12 AM
I need to get a bigger suitcase!
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2010 - 11:39 PM