Lots of things going on.
Maddox celebrated her (third) first birthday. She’s got this whole party thing down!
Don’t worry, I have lots to say about this day, look for my post on 3.21.11 In the meantime, cast your vote by clicking the link below!
Let’s see...Some other firsts happening recently. Well, I know Maddox is going to be in her fourth year before we even consider being done with diapers. That is a pretty depressing and expensive thought so we decided to counteract that by putting her on the potty every night before her bath, just for exposure.

Did I take a photo? YOU BETCHA!
Sent it to all my friends. My favorite response back was from Pop Pop, “Holy Shit, did Scott do that one?”
We also did the whole homemade spaghetti thing too.
Maddox watched her first Superbowl. She enjoyed the game but mommy had a difficult time. I knew the day would come when Maddox would be in a room full of younger kids. She was the oldest and every kid pretty much kicked her butt developmentally. Huge difficult to swallow double dose of reality.
So all in all, that is what the past month has brought us. Some good some bad. I’ll take it.
Welcome to March. This is a dreaded month. It is her 6 month recheck month with all of her specialty appointments at U of M. I think we are in line for five of them (Orthotist, Physical Medicine, ENT, Audiology, Pediatric Surgery). Stay tuned to the medical page for updates.
Great to see you site back up.
I had to laugh at the potty story! I just posted about Nava using her new potty and doing the same. I really wanted to take a pic but then I figured others might not appreciate it as much as me. And lets just say, it wasn't as, uhm, dainty of a demonstration??! You can see my wuss out at: navagating.blogspot.com
I just wish your photos showed up in a reader!
TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 2011 - 11:43 PM
be patient with the potty training Jamie it will come but you are right, not as soon as you would like. Cory was #1 potty trained by age 3 and #2 trained between 4 and 5. But she WILL get it!!!!! you are doing the right thing in introducing her to it now, it never hurts to get her knowing what it is. I am struggleling for prolly the first time in Cory's life with him not hitting a milestone that his peers are and that is driving. All his milestones have come at his terms and i have been ok with all of them but this driving thing bothers me the most i think. Weird huh? All his friends have taken drivers training and have permits and some have already gotten their liscense and he wants to take it (drivers training) so bad but i know there is no way he can. he knows the just of driving and has driven the cars around the yard and down the back roads but i know he is very far from being able to do it himself. I just keep telling him he will have to stick to his 4-wheeler for a few more years. LOL
TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2011 - 10:55 AM